Just take exactly what they did so far in 1-3-2, but reduce the number of DPS by one.
This won’t reduce the DPS queue times quite as much, but it should be 50% faster than 2-2-2. Which is still pretty good.
That said, I think they should make a couple edits to the formerly offtank main tanks:
All Tanks
Can bodyblock ultimates like EarthShatter, and Self Destruct, to protect teammates standing behind them.
All forms of CC and Status effects are reduced by 50% effect/duration.
Ultimate charge given to enemies is reduced by 50%.
Barrier Tanks
If BarrierTanks remain too dominant. They could buff up the damage dealt by non-barrier tanks, or reduce BarrierHP
Fart Shield
Friendly players in the area of effect are immune/cleansed from stuns and status effects.
A lot of the problem with Fart Shield is that it left teammates wide open to all forms of status effects and crowd control. In particular, an Ana grenade would shut it down hard. This prevents that downside.
Defence Matrix
Cooldown removed.
No resource drained when using the ability.
Blocks attacks from Beam based weapons.
Blocks/Cancels Hack ability casting.
Resource is drained when damage is taken.
Equivalent barrier HP of 1000, with 200HP/sec regeneration after 2 sec of not using Defence Matrix.
This changes Defence Matrix to behave more like a normal barrier. But also makes it a lot more useful as a Main Tank ability.
It does. You have to keep in mind we already have tanks with answers to everything. Like Zarya or any Blue barrier tank.
What happens if sombra under a zarya bubble or behind a blue barrier just holds m2 for half a second? D.Va just loses. There is no counterplay other than to mirror with a Zarya or actual Main tank of your own.
This also applies to Earth Shatter and any other things primarly blocked with blue barriers over DM. The coverage is that important.
I actually think solo tanking could work, be that 5v5 or 6v6, but it would required such drastic change, I don’t think Overwtach is the position to do that.
Here’s how I see tanks in solo scene:
Damage and support heroes have “regular” type attacks. These would never go through tank’s defensive resources.
Tank’s defensive resources works against all “regular” damage types, regardless.
Tank’s primary attacks is not “regular damage” and always goes through any defensive resources. They are “undeniable”, but have little range.
The only exceptions would be the melee button (which now is a different type of attack than those melee-like primaries such as Brigitte’s swing) and Torb’s hammer, because he’s got one and think that’s cute.
Every tank can peel against most things.
Every tank can engage space from other tanks because they are all “undeniable” damage.
Some attacks are flat out unfit to exist. Doomfist entire kit, Genji’s dash and blade, Brig’s primary. Those would need tough reworks. I don’t think we can rework a beloved hero like Genji, that would be another Mercy fiasco in our hands, I don’t want that.
Hack is a problem on tanks at five seconds, imo, even in 122. A hacked WB on live needs bailing out by his team, a hacked WB in 122 will be even less likely to survive, and a hacked WB in 132 dies, goes to Hell, dies again, and goes to Hell’s Hell.
Not that I’m against adding Hack negation to DM and presumably KG, but it might be a more thorough approach to make CC in general less effective against tanks. Whether it’s a cap on how long you can be CC’d, diminishing returns, even outright immunity to certain forms of CC, I’m not fussy - but solo tanks should be that much harder to control.
Quick question: why did I get a finger pointing notification that directed me to this thread?
It’s a nice read but I’m not sure how to feel about DM having a Damage absorbed resource allocation. Up against double turrets (bastion and Torb) DM might last for even less time than it does currently, and would last for even less time against a full bunker.