WrA Information & Directories

I hope so, cause my Nostradamus butt can now legitimately claim that Duskwood is a major Alliance rp hub.

Be vindicated, Past Bates


The info & directories thread is being maintained, and there will be a bi-annual “clean sweep” of inactive listings in the near future.

If there is any information that appears out of date, beyond community listings, members of the community are encouraged to offer input so appropriate edits can be made.

Thank you for asking, so the thread can be bumped too! :heart:


Can I get my WoW RP Events Discord listing updated with a new invite link?

The new link is:


I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you keeping this going.

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Guild Name: Convocation of Darkness

Faction: Cross-faction (initially Horde)

Description: We are an Undead/Forsaken-only heavy RP guild. Our roleplay focuses on the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, within which the Convocation represents a radical sect of devotees and their allies. The goal of the order is to once more build up the spirit of the Forsaken people through the pursuit of mastery in each of the three virtues of the Forgotten Shadow: Respect, Tenacity, and Power.

Our aesthetic is heavily rooted in the classic era when the Forsaken were presented as a darker, more insular race, however ICly the Convocation will accept any undead character regardless of their background or alignment.

We have weekly RP which includes appropriately macabre socials in graveyards and ruined churches as well as D20 crafting and adventure-style story-driven events. Players are encouraged to explore their own character’s unique personality and abilities!

Races Allowed:

  • Forsaken
  • Darkfallen Blood Elves/Night Elves/Void Elves (excluding San’layn)
  • Death Knights of any race

Leader(s) & Contact Info:

Rank In-Game Name Discord
High Priestess :candle: Ihuthlis ashakuarius
Overseer :crossed_swords: Crestley sehoro
Archpriest :skull: Maerlyn soulcatcher

RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP, Casual PvE/PvP


  • Main characters must be at least level 20
  • Player must be age 21+
  • Google Form guild application filled out (see link below)
  • Be positive, accepting of others, and drama-free. We may play darker characters in our stories, but outside of RP, we strive to uphold an image as friendly, welcoming people :slight_smile:

Currently Seeking: Any and all roleplayers with a passion for the Forsaken and Undead RP.

Most Active Playtime: 5pm - 10pm PST/Wyrmrest Server Time

Forum Post: [H-RP] <Convocation of Darkness> Cult of Forgotten Shadows RP

Guild Application: tinyurl.com/codapplication

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Guild Name: The Packtari
Faction: Horde (Neutral Accepting)
Description: The Packtari is a raptari group uniquely accepting of all races, in the interest of advancing Gonk’s will and protecting the balance of nature. Most of our missions and campaigns will tend to have a focus on the Loa around azeroth, nature, or troll themes. Loa rites are available both for packmate specific tracks, and pack friends to seek boons, and more will be offered where and when applicable. Conservation and raptor rehabilitation/fostering are also a good example of how wide our nature themes go, as the Packtari have their own sanctuary for creatures big and small.
Races Allowed: All are welcome
Leader(s): Kholwa
Who/How to Contact:
Kholwa-Wymrest Accord, ingame mail or dm me on discord via dangeruse
RP/PVP/PVE?: Primarily RP right now, but we all do some pve and casual pvp
Requirements: Respect for the Loa, nature, and neutral aligned allies icly and oocly. An inclusive and respectful mindset oocly, we’re a safe space for the marginalized. 18+ of age, and willing to do a small application and ic interview. Discord required for coordinating.
Currently Seeking: RP Crafters, Gonk worshippers, any good aligned Loa devouts, trolls
Most Active Playtime: 5pm (PST/WRA ST) onwards most days for rp events and gatherings, Kholwa’s almost always around otherwise
Forum Post:
[H/N-RP/PvX]< The Packtari > Non-exclusive Troll, Nature, and Loa guild

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Gentle reminder that this thread is still maintained. If your community/guild is no longer active, has had changes, or if you have created a new one please feel free to share that information here so it can be removed/updated/added to the listing!

Happy gaming everyone!


Guild Name: Half Moon Gambit
Faction: Cross-faction (soon to be cross-server)
Looking for: RPers any level or race

IC Info:

Are you looking for adventure? Fame? Riches? Do you like mysteries? Half Moon Gambit is now hiring bold and intrepid soldiers of fortune, explorers and investigators to uhh…boldly soldier, explore and investigate! No experience required, we’re desperate! I mean uhhh…we’re willing to train.

Join our team today and see the world!

*Travel not guaranteed.
**Riches not guaranteed.
***Half Moon Gambit is not liable for any injuries or loss suffered while on the job. You may have to sign a simple waiver….

OOC Info:

Half Moon Gambit is a small company of privateers based out of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, but who venture out into the world for the purpose of exploration, investigation, relic recovery, bounty hunting, crime solving, guarding and mercenary-ing (that’s a real word - honest). Occasionally, we’re criminals, but more the comedic type than the hard-core type. We hold both non-roll and d20 RP events across Azeroth, and also attend the RP events of other guilds and groups. RP is mostly by schedule, but we do pick up RP occasionally as well.

We’re a medium/heavy RP guild with a side of leveling and all are welcome. RP events are generally held on evenings or weekends and last for a couple of hours. You can also find us occasionally doing some walk-up RP in cities in between those times. Most events are plot based and we would like all our RPers to have the opportunity to play a part. Any class/race/level is welcome, but we will be venturing to max-level areas and may require higher level characters for this.

We’re looking for RPers and other players without a home, but we’re not necessarily looking for players who are online 24/7. We’re adults and realize that we all have responsibilities and other interests. That being said, we’d like players who want to participate in online events, develop interesting and complex characters and work together to build a fun and exciting story.

For PVEers/PVPers and levelers who don’t RP but who are looking for a home, feel free to reach out. We’re most active in the evenings and weekends and you don’t have to participate in RP if you aren’t an RPer. You do have to be respectful to RP, however. RP griefing will not be tolerated. We don’t have any organized teams, don’t run mythics or raids as a guild, but you’re welcome to join if you’re looking for a guild.

If that sounds like you, then reply to this post, whisper Kirsy/Larisi online or send in-game mail and we’ll get you signed up!

For RPers: use of TRP/MRP/XRP - with at least the start of an RP profile
For PVEers: recommended DBM and Details
For PVPers: do your thing
For Everyone: Discord
Please be 18+ and mature. LGBTQIA+ friendly

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Currently looking for ambitious players interested in either PVE PVP or RP for Season 3/4 of Dragonflight/S1 of the War Within!

Raid Teams

**Raid: **
Normal Raid: Forming a normal raid for S4. Relaxed, and great for players who are looking for an environment of learning and laughter.
Heroic Raid: Currently Wed/Sun 9/9H, voting on times to continue forward into S4 and S1 of The War Within
Mythic Raid: Thursday Sunday- Recruiting Roster for S4 and S1 of The War Within

M+: Members are encouraged and pushed in joining in m+ no matter the level, from low level to +20s and above, you will usually find at least 5 members in a m+ at a time!


RBG: Thursday 4 pm pst (have a few spots open)

PVP Tournaments: Returning in April with prizes 100K+ gold.

Arena: 2s and 3s comps are done by guildies, with an array of experience in regards to arena.


Gaining more knowledge, become stronger, and accept quests. With a strong lore behind it, many take up the cause to help keep the lands safe through these quests. (RP events in discord and in game. IC interview required.)

Able to gain in character ranks, join households with different modifiers, and join in several different campaign options currently going on.

Currently working on Interguild Campaign as well! (expected for May)

More: Tmog Contest Friday, Guild Meetings, Cards Against Humanity, Cops and Robbers, Running Old Content, and other fun shenanigans!

The guildies and myself strive to be the best in all 3. Its a daunting task, but with the right crew anything is possible! If you are someone with ambition, someone looking to kick butt, and even take on a challenge! Pst me via discord/ btag SpareLyric#1417 I hope to hear from you soon, and I wish you all the best of evenings!



I’ve been reaching out to the guilds on the list and so far I have two updates.

The Grim has been disbanded. One of the officers listed there informed me of it.

Shadowed Star Might be disbanded as well. The reason for this conclusion is that the GM listed there informed me that they are actually the GM of South Seas Expeditions. And, that listing has no GM listed on it at present.

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