<Half Moon Gambit> Now Cross-Faction, Cross-Server, Cross Everything! <A/H/N>

IC Info:

Are you looking for adventure? Fame? Riches? Do you like mysteries? The Half Moon Gambit is now hiring bold and intrepid explorers, craftsmen, merchants and others to uhh…explore and investigate! No experience required, we’re desperate! I mean uhhh…we’re willing to train. You don’t even have to get on the ship!

Join our crew today and see the world! Or stay home and help in your own way!

*Travel not guaranteed.
**Riches not guaranteed.
***The Half Moon Gambit is not liable for any injuries or loss suffered while on the job. You may have to sign a simple waiver…

OOC Info:

The Half Moon Gambit is a medium RP guild based on WrA. We are recruiting for a small group of adventurers who venture out into the world for the purpose of exploration, investigation, relic recovery, bounty hunting, crime solving and mercenarying (that’s a real word - honest). We have one group of characters who man the ship, another group based in Duskwood, and a third who are Horde. Our characters range from sailors to petty thieves to craftsmen and scholars.

We hold both non-roll and /roll RP events across Azeroth, and also attend the RP events of other guilds and groups. We are a neutral guild, cross server with MG currently, but we accept alts from any server (we will be RPing on both MG and WrA as each offers different opportunities).

Our rolls are very simplistic currently, in that if something feels like it needs a roll, we’ll do one and see what the outcome looks like. Be advised, a lot of our RP comes across like slapstick comedy.

We’re active in the evenings (EST) and weekends and events last for about 2-3 hours. You will also find us occasionally doing some walk-up RP in Stormwind or Duskwood. Most events are plot based and we would like everyone in-guild to have the opportunity to play a part. Any class/race/level is welcome, but we will be eventually venturing to max-level areas and may require higher level characters for this.

We’re looking for RPers without a home, but not necessarily players who are online 24/7. We’re adults and realize that everyone has responsibilities and other interests. That being said, we’d also like players who want to participate in online RP events, develop interesting and complex characters and work together to build a fun and exciting story. If that sounds like you, then reply to this post, whisper Kirsy or Larisi online or send in-game mail or a guild invite request and we’ll get you signed up! Alts and new characters welcome!


IC interview
18+ and mature
Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated
LGBTQIA+ friendly - no discussion of RL politics or religion

Please note: We will not be raiding or planning any organized PVE or PVP content. We may occasionally do content and transmog runs as a group.

**New for 2025: RP ranks for RP in SMC, Duskwood or Crew.


Ahhh ha. I thought I saw a few of you roaming around Org while I was running through on my Belf to FINALLY unlock Highmountain Tauren. Can’t believe I waited like all these years to do that. Lol!


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Oh, and this. This right here. It’s all the marketing you need. I WILL be seeking you out to mime my IC interview once I pick my main for this expansion. Not sure if it will be this guy, my monk, or a horde character.


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Sometimes I feel like we’re the Monty Pythons of RP. Our RP leader Rodoth is like following around Eric Idle on caffeine. Well, maybe not that bad. But you get the idea.


Dang! You truly are a marketing genius. Who needs cookies when you offer up caffeine? That should go into a how-to book about guild recruitment.

Lmao. I forgot to mention, we’re tentatively RPing Alliance side on Wednesday in the evening. I don’t have a specific time for it yet, but I’d guess around 9 PM EST.

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Once I unlocked Highmountain last night I couldn’t believe the amount of players on the middle mesa in Thunder Bluff.

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I’m still eyeing a Highmountain. I just don’t want another hunter so I’m torn as to what class I want to RP as.

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I actually tried Highmountain Druid and Shaman. After about 30 mins of each I was like “booooring”. Would love to come up with a unique and solid backstory for a a Highmountain monk that wasn’t a typical monk or a Highmountain Blood DK would be sweet!

It was Monday Night… was there a story night happening?

Might have been. I don’t know for sure. It was a cool discovery. I have ALWAYS enjoyed rolling up on random collections of other players in the open world.

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RPd tonight in Stormwind and Goldshire. Got a new recruit. Didn’t get arrested. Yet.

Are making our way to Duskwood. For shenanigans.

In-game RP has been paused for leveling, exploring and gearing. We did some set up for upcoming storyline over Discord and expect to pick back up in about a week. Stop by for cookies and a caffeinated beverage.

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Larisi, Shadow and Orno picked up RP again last night to get us set up for our upcoming storyline in the new zone! It involved a pile of bodies, a magic candle, and some really bad rolls.

But we all lived, got a big payout (that I fully expect to lose immediately) and are on our way to Dalaran to meet up with the rest of the guild and drop off an imp.


Tonight’s RP was Hordeside for a change, and we brought out the cowpokes for some RP in Mulgore.

Today we had a soggy encounter with a fountain in Mereldar that included a cursed coin. Tomorrow we’ll be holding a cross-faction RP. And we’re still searching for someone who crashed with Dalaran.

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

…wait, that’s not right.

HMG: Episode XVIII - Landfall

Tonight’s RP saw a very confused Larisi be greeted by Ellisette and newcomer Cell (with a surprise fly-by from Skyva!)

With a new commission to find a missing Forsaken, Larisi recruits Ellisette and Cell to head out with the ship to find the coastline where Dalaran crashed. Apparently, the crash wasn’t really known among the group and all Larisi knew was that bugs crashed the flying city.

Rolland recognizes Ellisette immediately from a past encounter and demands to get his human soul back from when she’d decided to “cleanse” it (long story, don’t ask). After a heated exchange about it, she finally slams it back into him, knocking him out and leaving him in a bad state, sprawled unconscious on deck. Cell tries to help, accidentally revealing her stow-away puppy! Once he’s awake, Ell convinces Rolland to try a lock cookie. It restores him enough that he doesn’t heave all over the deck.

That settled, the ship casts off and spends some amount of time offscreen getting to the shore. A creature on the shore knocks them for a loop, but they find a burning debris pile and settle down to dry off for a bit, then explore. Rolland finds some kind of staff-gun-thing that seems to have a bit of arcane energy about it. Ellisette finds some very smelly armor that looks like it’s plate. It’s grimed up from the crash and has some kind of pin on it that can only be read as “executor.” Cell finds a sheep that seems to be suspicious, and it tries to get the group’s attention. After the sheep tries to spell words on the ground with a hoof, they realize it’s polymorphed. Rolland uses some electrical energy from his mace to shock the sheep back into human form.

The sheep is a robed, human mage who looks like…well…that he’d just been in the Dalaran crash. He points in the direction of Donorgal, saying the Alliance and Horde had headed that way. The group watch him leave, then look to see if there’s anything that can be collected up before they decide to follow. The mention of looting a bank vault may have happened. Cell currently has the armor pieces and the staff-gun-thing in her backpack.

(…if only they’d thought to ask the mage what the arcane staff-gun-thing was. Hahaha, nobody tell them.)

cough We may have acquired a portal gun. That’s what the arcane staff-gun thing turned out to be once we actually thought to test it. Right now it’s in several pieces, and no one realizes that. Yet.

(So we can bounce back and forth ICly from old world to new world events more believably.)

We’re also continuing our search for missing persons from the Dalaran crash. Next up:
we might be spelunking the Coreway.

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Are you absolutely sure it’s a “portal gun” and not one of those fancy pneumatic tee shirt shooters?

I’d join in a heartbeat if T-shirt guns were part of the welcome package.