The Thunderhoof Clan is an all-Tauren guild with a 15 year history of engaging in WPVP and RP. We are based on and grew from the original Thunderhoof Clan from The Venture Co. server. That server and its cluster have mostly been abandoned so Thunderhoof Clan has started up a new chapter on Wyrmrest Accord. We also have another chapter of the clan that goes by Thunderhoof Tribe on the classic Grobbulus server. Many of our members switch between both versions of the game.
Our aim is to be community builders, protecting and representing Tauren interests through roleplaying, pvp , and other types of gameplay. We are seeking either individuals to join us in Thunderhoof, or in making connections with other guilds, both Horde and Alliance, to make life on this server interesting and exciting. We have regularly worked with other guilds on both factions in the past and intend to do the same on Wyrmrest Accord.
The Thunderhoof Clan is calling for Tauren of good character who are seeking to serve both their people and the community at large. Character names should be RP-friendly. Experience level is not a barrier to entry, we welcome anyone who seeks to walk The Path. We take our reputation seriously.
Hear, hands, hooves, and horns is all you need.
Contact Xzequor Oathoof or any member of The Thunderhoof Clan for more information.
This is exciting news! Thunderhoof is the best guild I ever had the privilege to join.
Hey, I have seen you around! Welcome to WRA. More Tauren is always good in my book. I wish you the best of luck.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I enjoyed the story circle in Bloodhoof the other day. Looking forward to learning more about all of the guilds and their events.
Not actively playing right now, but still want to welcome new moos! Always happy to see more Tauren guilds.
The Earthmother likes this post.
We are growing, stop by the bluff and ask any questions you may have.
Come gather ‘round Tauren
Wherever you roam
And admit Kalimdor
Around you has grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be seeking a home
If Mulgore to you
Is worth savin’
Then you better start levelin’
Or you’ll stink like a gnome
For the Tribes they are a-changin’.
Come Earthdiggers, Pinkskins
And Longears with them
And keep your eyes wide
For Tauren won’t give in
And don’t attack too soon
For our horns will defend
I’m tellin’ you who
That it’s namin’.
For the Shu’Halo now
Will be lookin’ to win
For the Tribes they are a-changin’.
Come Shaman, Druids, Hunters, and Warriors
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the fire
In lava don’t fall
For they that get hurt
Will be they who get heals
There’s a battle in Azeroth
And it is ragin’.
It’ll soon shake your kodos…
For the Herd!
The Thunderhoofs are admirable as always. Love you guys. 
Still recruiting. Come stop by our weekly Saturdaty meeting at 6:30 server time(PST) and see what we are all about.
Always happy to see more all Tauren RP guilds around!
Thunderhoof has re-energized and is ready to hoof it’s way into The War Within!
We have integrated the original VeCo chapter and the WRA chapters into one.
The entire tribe is looking forward to new adventures!
Contact any Thunderhoof Brave for information on how to join in on the fun!
The Thunderhoof Clan was one of my favorite guilds on The Venture Co, and the closest ally to the guild I was in on VeCo for many years. I will never forget, as a WoW player who was new to RP/PvP 16 years ago, seeing the Thunderhoof Clan mustered for battle at Camp T, all in a giant ring of kodos. I often credit that moment as being what hooked me on the RP half of RP/PvP. It’s one thing to get into good fights in the open world, but adding that layer of immersion and story opened my eyes to how special this community is.
I am thrilled that so many of us have ended up on Wyrmrest Accord, and I look forward to sharing stories around a bonfire with you soon.
Aovi was probably a young Initiate of the Tribe around that time. My son and I transferred from Farstriders to join the 'Hoof just after hitting 80 in Wrath. Good memories of VeCo.
I can’t wait to make more memories with this community, through old friends and new.
Have there ever been any Grimtotem style Tauren guilds? Like played as antagonistic to the other tribal guilds.
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I have not run into any, but Thunderhoof has several Grimtotem in the Tribe.
Aovi is Grimtotem on his father’s side.
Shadowhoof were the closest.