[Cross-Realm] <The Highguard> is recruiting!


The Highguard is a freelance group of mercenaries that has taken up residence at an estate in Gilneas. Originally composed of Alliance soldiers, prior to opening their membership to their Horde counterparts, the choice of Gilneas was made in order to support the reclamation of that kingdom and support its people.

The Highguard are overseen by a small command group and while they serve their respective factions they also strive to support the Torrens family as they work to restore Gilneas. Champions from both the Alliance and the Horde make up The Highguard and they come and go as they please, sometimes working in teams, sometimes working on their own, in defense of Azeroth and its people.


The Highguard is a very small guild looking to find additional members to join us for RP, and potentially PvE, adventures! How small are we, you may ask? Well, right now there are three of us and we’re all in different North American time zones! One is on EST, one is MST, and one is on PST! Why mention that? Well, in case you log on and don’t see all three of us together often. We do like each other, promise!

Because of the time differences, we tend to do a lot of “play-by-post” roleplay in our Discord server. This isn’t to say there won’t ever be any RP in-game–we enjoy that as well!–but as it stands Discord is the easiest way for us to engage in storytelling without having to all try and plan around life to be in-game. If you’re looking for a guild with a lot of in-game RP sessions, that’s cool! We just may not be the best fit for you and that’s okay!

  • We’ve typically run on Mythic + dungeons here and there as time allows. We have yet to set a schedule for War Within since, well, no idea when we’ll all be leveled up and ready.


While it would be nice to simply say “Don’t be a jerk” we wanted to spell out our expectations of members:

  1. We are an LGTBQ+ guild. You don’t have to consider yourself part of that community to hang out with us by any means! We’re happy to have you however you identify! But, if it’s something you’re not okay with for whatever reason, we’re not going to be a good fit for you.

  2. Racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and xenophobic remarks are not acceptable and have no place in our Discord or guild chat. This is one of our main tenants as a guild and no exceptions will be made for those who violate this rule.

  3. Be considerate of each other and each other’s time. While this seems common sense, it is nonetheless worth restating. We all are here to have fun. If no one is available to RP, or participate in an in-game activity (e.g. dungeons), do not take it personally. We’re all working adults, some of us have children, and other demands on our time outside of the game!

  4. Keep IC drama IC. One of the joys of roleplay is character interaction! Some characters become great friends, form romantic attachments, or even butt heads from time to time. If you have concerns about an in-character interaction, please make an effort to talk to the player in question out-of-character. Misunderstandings happen quite easily, but they can also be resolved equally as fast.

How to Join:

Now that we’re through all that, the most important question: how do you join? It’s pretty easy!


Alliance players can look for us in the guild finder. Simply search “The Highguard” and we should pop up, maybe with one or two other guilds. It’s a convenient way for us to approve applicants, especially if we’re all not online at the same time!


We’re still working out the smoothest way to get our Horde friends added given cross-faction players are currently required to be part of a Battle.net community or Battle.net friends to get a guild invite from another faction. If you play a Horde toon, we’re happy to sort it out!

If you have questions before joining, that’s also 100% cool! Whisper, or send an in-game message, to Renan or Tarsla with any questions you might have. Or post here on the forums! We’ll try and check back regularly and respond.

Thanks for reading and see you in Azeroth!


I know I am for sure interested in helping you guys build! I’m EST myself and would love to join as either Horde or Alliance. It sounds like a really cool concept and I actually enjoy discord rp as well

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Awesome! I happen to be lurking around today–random day off–so happy to help get you set up with the guild in-game.

Here’s a “link” to the Discord since that might make things slightly easier to coordinate: discord.gg/twewb3hg

Awesome! Thank you so much! <3

I wouldn’t mind checking out the guild, and seeing if I’m a good fit. I need to find me a home in prep for TWW.

Sure! We’d be happy to have you!

I have been having a hard time finding an RP guild that is active during my play hours. So this may help me with that! I will have to look through my roster and see who will make the best fit.

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I’ll toss out another Discord link since that tends to be the easiest way to get ahold of us: discord.gg/CbQxaBjb3Z

Hey all! Hope everyone is enjoying the War Within! We’re still looking for new friends to come join us. Drop us a line here or in our Discord!

Hope everyone is enjoying season one so far! We’re getting ready to start Mythics up and looking for more friendly folks to join us!

Morning all! Hope everyone is as excited for Spooky Season as we are! We’re still RPing away and just starting to get a foothold on Mythics. Feel free to drop us a line here, or pop into our Discord, if you’re interested and have questions! discord.gg/CbQxaBjb3Z

Hey all! October is flying by! We’re all super stoked for the anniversary patch and looking to get some sweet new mogs and hoping to make some new friends! Swing by our Discord, or catch us online, if you’d like to chat!

Happy Saturday all! Hope everyone’s been enjoying the anniversary patch as much as we have. Gotta collect all the mogs! Still looking for nice folks to hang with us in Discord and join us for Rp and dungeon fun. Feel free to drop by if you have questions!

Happy Thanksgiving for those in the U.S. who celebrate! We’re still around running dungeons and roleplaying as time allows. Swing the Discord if you have any questions about the guild: discord.gg/aejJUCNtES