[N - XRealm] Court of Eternity (Elf-Based World/Social RP Guild) is Recruiting!

Across the cities of Azeroth- Horde, Alliance, and even those who welcomed both- curious new flyers seemed to be emerging on public boards. A soft magenta starfield set on a deep navy crest with violet, silver, and nature filigree motifs, surrounding a vibrant purple iris holding what appeared to be a combination of elven crests. Written in flowing but legible script in Orcish, Common, Thalassian, Darnassian, and Shalassian was a message:

“To all our brothers and sisters of elvenkind,

Ours is a rich history. A proud history. A storied, often painful, history. A history that extends thousands upon thousands of years into the past… yet we find ourselves divided along faction lines. Divided over the actions of our leaders, divided by the actions of warmongers, while more threats wait at Azeroth’s doorstep to have their try at destroying all that has been built.

We have fought, we have bled, and our wounds run deep. Time can heal these, but unity is the salve we need now. Let us take the first step together, mending the divides that have weakened us for far too long…

We are the Court of Eternity.

We are a neutral organization seeking to unite elves of all walks of life and origin, no matter whether you hail from the Alliance, the Horde, or separate yourself of them entirely. Our history holds too much in common for us, in spite of all we’ve endured, to let it go to waste.

Together, we are stronger. So let us extend our hands to one another, open our hearts and minds, and come together to restore and preserve the rich history and culture of our peoples, that we may find ourselves one step closer to a united Azeroth.

Those who are interested in joining such a mission may seek out Speaker Es’dai Lunathiel or Speaker Altherei Darkwind through letter, or come to one of two locations at the times below to meet, discuss, and ask questions.”

[OOC: Locations and times on the flyers automatically change, and will be posted here on the forum when they are happening.]


Court of Eternity is an elven-based guild seeking to reunite all of elvenkind in an effort to strengthen Azeroth against her many threats, as well as strengthen the bonds of the elven peoples. We are a casual, social RP guild; what that means is we like to focus on world RP, social RP, and server events! We know that adulthood means busy lives, and we want our guild to be a chill and relaxing place to RP at one’s own pace. We are based on Wyrmrest Accord, but accept RPers from all servers. As such, events and our officer availability is listed in WrA Server Time, or Pacific Standard Time.


  1. Be respectful. Don’t be a jerk. Behavior that is unacceptable includes but isn’t limited to: harassment, gossip, rumor-mongering, hate speech, and elitist behavior.
  2. Communicate your problems. We are adults here and it’s expected we handle any problems as adults. Unless the situation is extreme, please make all attempts to solve any interpersonal issues between the involved parties before involving an officer/the GM.
  3. No godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming, etc. Keep IC and OOC separate; blending and taking IC/OOC or vice versa is not permitted.
  4. The acknowledgment must be completed and posted in the appropriate channel before you will be given access to the whole of the discord.
  5. No NSFW content in the discord. If you’re unsure if something like art qualifies for NSFW, please DM a Speaker. Anything that may toe the line may require censoring.
  6. Know that by wearing our guild tag, you represent our guild whether you’re IC or not. See Rule 1.
  7. While we are a casual and social guild, we do try to adhere to lore as best we can, and ask our members to do the same. Please no relations of major NPCs, cross-IP characters, etc.


  1. Any elf may be any rank within the Court. We accept blood elves, high elves, night elves, void elves, nightborne, darkfallen, half-elves, and felblood. Wretched are not accepted. San’layn will be treated on a case by case basis.
  2. Non-elves are welcome to support the Court, but they will only be granted the rank of Ally.
  3. You must have the basics of your TRP filled out, including the basic information, a current appearance, and a brief summary of history.
  4. You can join at a recruitment event such as a Guild Faire, or seek out a Speaker in RP. There will be a brief OOC interview to ensure the rules are understood and agreed to, and a brief IC interview to get your character acquainted with a Speaker.
  5. We are a 21+ guild, no exceptions.


:balance_scale: Speaker - The GM and officer rank. Speakers serve as the IC representatives of their elven heritage. OOCly, they are expected to be level-headed, peaceable, and upstanding individuals who are willing and able to enforce the rules and expectations of the community. The current Speakers are Altherei Darkwind (blood elf) and Es’dai Lunathiel (Nightborne).

:scroll: Herald - A veteran rank for those who have been in the Court long enough or have been active enough to establish themselves as an invaluable presence, or have contributed in similar fashion. This is not an officer rank.

The following ranks hold the same level of respect and authority:

:shield: Warden - A member of the Court who focuses their efforts on healing or battle. They are those who are looked to first to protect the Court and the interests of elvenkind. Those who focus more on battle than healing may also be asked to serve as security at any server events.

:bookmark: Advisor - A member of the Court who focuses on the day-to-day goings-on the world, and meeting others. If you enjoy world or city RP the most, this is the role for you!

:ledger: Archivist - A member of the Court who specializes in gathering and recording elven history and traditions. If you love digging into lore, headcanon, and theorycraft, this is the role for you!

:candle: Emissary - A member of the Court who focuses on outreach and building connections. If you’re someone who loves attending server events, this is the role for you!

The following ranks are equal:

:pen: Aide - A new member of the Court who has not yet decided on a role, or who ICly does not have skills to fit in one yet. Those in the latter category will be recommended to shadow members of the other roles to learn.

:handshake: Ally - This rank is the equivalent of an Aide, but for all our non-elven members. They are to be treated with the same respect as any member of the Court, and their contributions valued fairly.

While you can only have one role mechanically in-game, we encourage folks to get involved in as many areas as they enjoy!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or Es’dai (IG: Esdai) with any questions, and keep your eyes on the forums for our first official event coming up in January!

All times are PM and WrA Server Time (PST).


12/9 - World’s End Tavern - Shattrath from 3-5:30 ST (6-8:30 EST)
12/10 - Wyvern’s Tail Inn - Orgrimmar from 4-8ST (7-11EST)
12/11 - Botanist’s Terrace (Uninstanced Nighthold) - Suramar from 3-5:30ST (6-8:30 EST)
12/14 - Everlook - Winterspring from 2-4ST (5-7 EST)


12/9 - Court of the Sun - Silvermoon City from 6-8ST (8-10 EST)
12/10 - Botanist’s Terrace (Uninstanced Nighthold) - Suramar City from 6:30-8ST (9:30-11 EST)
12/11 - Wyvern’s Tail Inn - Orgrimmar from 6:30-8ST (9:30-11 EST)


It’s us!

And like Alth said above, we will be updating our availability each week for those who are interested in joining us! But if you just want to RP with us during those availability times to get to know us before making a decision, absolutely a-ok to do that as well.

We look forward to meeting and RPing with you!

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I’m on in the World’s End Tavern in Shattrath if anyone would like to come RP! And Alth will be in Silvermoon at the Court of the Sun starting at 6ST!

We would love to meet you and enjoy some RP!

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I’ll be at the Wyvern’s Tail tonight from 7pm to 11pm EST, and Altherei will be at the Botanist’s Terrace in uninstanced Nighthold from 9:30pm to 11pm EST, if anyone would like to reach out and RP!

If you’re interested in learning more, joining, or just want to come find us for some RP, you can find Es’dai in Uninstanced Nighthold at Botanist’s Terrace, and I’ll be in the Wyvern’s Tail in Orgrimmar at 6:30ST/9:30EST!

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Hello all, happy Sunday! If you’re wanting to join up, we will be around the following times/places this week (and we’re also happy to set something up if these times don’t work out):


12/16 - Wyvern’s Tail Inn in Orgrimmar from 3PM ST to 5:30PM ST, and then will be at the Mulgore Market.
12/18 - Wyvern’s Tail Inn in Orgrimmar from 3PM ST to 5PM ST, and then will be at the WrA Potluck.
12/21 - Wyvern’s Tail Inn in Ogrimmar from 1PM ST to 5PM ST, and then will be at Illthanyn, the Cleanse on WrA.


12/16 - 6PM ST - Attending Mulgore Market
12/17 - 6PM ST to 8PM ST - Dornogal Atrium (please PST if you don’t see me in case there are phasing issues)
12/18 - 6:30PM ST - Attending WrA Potluck
12/21 - 5:30PM ST - Attending Illthanyn, the Cleanse on WrA.

Quick change- something came up for Es’dai and she won’t be available tonight, but I will still be at the Mulgore Market around 6ST!

This is a casual week for both Altherei and myself. If you see us online, feel free to message us or walk up for RPs! But I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!

Hope everyone had a happy and restful holiday! Here’s the events we’ll be attending this week if you’d like to meet up and talk with us about joining:


12/29: Horde Guild Faire - WrA - 5PM PST
12/31: Arcana’gol - MG - 5PM PST
1/1: Wyrmrest Community Potluck - WrA - 5PM PST


12/29: Horde Guild Faire - WrA - 5PM PST
12/31: Stormwind Magic Conference - MG - 5PM PST (Will be arriving late)
1/1: Wyrmrest Community Potluck - WrA - 5PM PST

In addition, feel free to reach out to us to set up RP if you’d like to join and can’t make these events- we have versions on Horde and Alliance, and are happy to come to you!

Bumpity bump!

2025 has been a bit on the rough end for me IRL, but anyone can feel free to reach out and schedule RP with me! :smiley: