[N-RP] The Shado-pan Vanguard [Pandaren Guild]


The Shado-pan Vanguard

"Our fellowship is our strength."

- Taran Zhu


The Tip of the Spear

Ordered by a council of upper-echelon Shado-pan, a preemptive strike force known as the Shado-pan Vanguard was created as an extra layer of defense for the vulnerable continent. With the Shado-pan’s diminished numbers, all able-bodied Pandaren, both spell-weavers and warriors alike, are encouraged to lend their skill in the defense of the homeland.

Under the command of Wardens Haru Silentstep and Xun-Feng Tsang, the Vanguard uses its strength to combat Azerothian threats, while also offering aid to the mainland in times of need.


  • Lore Knowledge
    It is preferred that applicants have a working knowledge of Warcraft lore and an overall understanding of Pandaren lore. However, we understand that some players may be new to Pandaria’s storytelling and as such we are more than willing to help out! However, Shado-pan characters are expected to have some knowledge regarding the Shado-pan as an organization, and follow its lore to the best of their ability.

  • “Bend, not break, lore.”
    The Vanguard strives to present as close a representation to the Shado-pan organization within lore as reasonably possible. We recognize that all player-written characters and organizations are ultimately fanon, and as such, lore-plausible creative liberties are welcomed.

  • Avenues for Advancement
    The Shado-pan Vanguard currently offers a main-story campaign and later additional events, which through participation offers members the opportunity to further themselves within its ranks. New recruits begin as Initiates, later ranking up to Adept, then Bulwark, and finally to Vanguard with full honors.

  • Roleplay Opportunities
    In addition to our official calendar, members are encouraged to engage with each other outside of events, participating in casual roleplay at either the Monastery or campaign-relevant base of operations. Furthermore, we offer several in-character channels within our server where players may engage in roleplay even beyond the game. Presently, events primarily occur on Friday and Saturday nights, although with a flexible schedule.


Recruitment Status: OPEN

Vanguard aspirants are expected to complete a brief out-of-character application. If accepted, our officers will contact you via in-game mail to schedule an in-character interview, which allow leadership to determine if your character meets the specifications for this volunteer initiative made up of some of Pandaria’s most resolute defenders.

Note: Recruitment occurs in waves so as to not overwhelm our officers, and as such we may not always be able to accept everyone at once. If your first application is not accepted, don’t be afraid to send another our way in the next wave! Furthermore, we are willing to provide feedback as to why your application was denied if requested.

If in-game contact mail is inconvenient, feel free to leave your Discord username in the space designated for additional information. Thank you!

Apply Here:


Haru Silentstep, Warden

  • (Discord): gariongaer
  • (Battlenet): Haru#1812

Xun-Feng Tsang, Warden

  • (In-game): Xunfeng
  • (Discord): spacekakes

Hi, hi, Hello world! This is Haru Silentstep (since my OOC name is weird lmao)

Xun and I planned this project since the early half of Remix, and we’re super excited to make it a reality right at the end of remix! Also, as a fair note since Xun kiind of forgot to mention it: This guild is sitting in MG-Alliance. (which is not relevant to be honest since cross-faction and cross-realm guilds are a thing now but it feels worth mention it!)

So don’t be afraid to ask us any inquiries that you have, we’re going to try our hardest to answer them as soon as possible!

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Howdy Wyrmrest, just a reminder that we still have some spots left for this recruitment wave :heart: :panda_face: !

P.S. Happy early access TWW launch, and to those experiencing the expansion in a few days I wish you folks a great launch as well!

(Posting on Yuan-Ling as it won’t let me post on Xun-Feng)

As of last night, we’ve had our first proper guild meeting and initiation of the first wave of recruits! To all who joined us, thanks for coming out and I can’t wait to see where our adventures lead us :heart:

Since we will be taking our time focusing on the newest recruits and our first cycle of events, we will be closing down recruitment. To anyone who was interested in volunteering for service in the Vanguard, fear not! We will reopen in the future on an undisclosed date, so definitely keep an eye on us. :slight_smile:

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Come one, come all! Our applications are open once more :slight_smile:

Come join us as our latest campaign sees the Vanguard foray into the depths of Khaz Algar to combat a threat all too familiar to the Shado-pan! What is it with bugs and void, anyway?

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Giving a lil bump!

Also a reminder that this guild is cross realm and cross faction <3!

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Giving this another little bump. Kind of forgot to bump this post teehee