The Southfury Watch
Red Dust and Honor!
The Southfury Watch is evolving and rebuilding our ranks after the long peace, wary in the face of renewed world threats and resurfaced enemies. For this, we are now opening up our ranks to new members and races.
What is the Southfury Watch?
The Southfury Watch is a reserve force dedicated to defending the Horde lands of Kalimdor. It is responsible for recruiting its own watchers, building and maintaining its own outposts, and keeping itself supplied. The Southfury Watch’s prime motivation is defending the territories which the Horde calls home and make safe its lands and waters. This including making expeditions beyond the more settled parts to defy whatever lays on its frontiers.
Who is the Southfury Watch?
The Southfury Watch is made up of primarily Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Goblins, Vulpera, and Pandaren from tribes and clans loyal to the Horde. Elves and Forsaken to be accepted on a case by case basis.
Veteran warriors who tire of the endless world spanning campaigns, young scouts trying to prove themselves, or perhaps those who wish to find redemption in defending the boar farmers and traders that span across the Barrens can find themselves within our ranks. Every watcher is promised bedding and food for a day’s work.
The Southfury Watch was once known as the Hammer of Kalimdor, a warband that was nearly toppled by inner conflict during the reign of Warchief Hellscream. The Hammer was remade into the Southfury Watch, and has stood strong ever since.
The Purpose of the Watch
The Watch works tirelessly to protect the people of the Horde, and the Barrens itself. To this purpose, Watchers have constant patrols to keep the roads safe. While patrols may make up the bulk of the Watch’s duty, caravan escorts, guard duty, and general labor are also responsibilities of every Watcher. After all, the stables do not clean themselves.
((Roll events, patrols, defending settlements, casual RP, and occasional pvp and pve can be expected. Most of our downtime is spent in the Barrens, often using the Crossroads as a hub. Expedition campaigns will extend beyond that.))
A New Watch
With the unceasing wars with the Alliance seemingly done, the Watch has been reinvigorated and retooled to deal with the issues now facing Kalimdor. This means no longer having to man the old barricades and being able to stride forth to new actions. And this means being less of a spear and more of a shield to those who require it.
Want to join or have questions? In-game mail or whispers to Zaeka, Tezel, or Silaxa are the best way to get questions answered. Preferred method of contact is in-character walk-up-roleplay to members of the Watch. We are often in the Barrens, and are a friendly bunch to whisper.