[H-RP Cross-Realm] <Convocation of Darkness> Forsaken & Undead RP (recruiting for The War Within!)

“The living cling to the Light for one reason: they fear the oblivion of death. As Forsaken, that fear has no further hold over you. Though the Light now rejects even those among us who were once its most fervent devotees, we command dark powers that lie beyond death’s shadow.”

—Dark Cleric Duesten

The Convocation of Darkness is a clandestine order of Forsaken whose primary goal is to spread the teachings of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows and safeguard the Forsaken people from their enemies, particularly those who wield the doctrine of the Holy Light as a weapon against our very existence. Despite the uncertainty facing our race during the era of the Desolate Council, when many have forgotten the struggle and hardship the Forsaken overcame to forge a new destiny for our people, we have not forgotten the dark axioms within which we found solace and strength: embrace the Shadows, and beware the living.

Out of character, we are a heavy RP guild that is recruiting those interested in Forsaken roleplay to join us for RP and more! Throughout the course of Dragonflight we have established ourselves with our own brand of story- and character-focused RP, and we could not be more excited to jump into The War Within in search of new friends to join us.

:books: History

Founded in the Year 40 ADP (632 by the King’s Calendar), the Convocation of Darkness began as a mere whisper on the wind, a shadowy calling that alighted upon three distinct individuals.

Feeling an irresistible pull drawing them to the dead tree at the center of the Brill Graveyard, Maerlyn Eldham, Charlie Evilove, and Sehoro Crestley met as strangers but departed as the original unholy triumvirate that served as the Convocation’s foundational leadership. With the skeptical Crestley acting as a foil to the devout Eldham and Evilove, the three vowed to create an order to ensure that all free-willed Forsaken would be given an opportunity to practice the faith of the Forgotten Shadow among those of like mind.

Foremost on their agenda was, of course, the dismantling of the Cult’s principal enemy: the Church of the Holy Light and its servitors.

This led them into direct conflict with a fringe order of zealous Light worshipers, independent of allegiance to either faction, who began staging attacks on Forsaken territory, driven forward by a mysterious hand who stoked the fires of their fervor. While the Dragonscale Expedition and others charted new discoveries across the Dragon Isles, the Convocation of Darkness engaged in a shadow war against the increasingly fanatical Lightsworn, who eventually compelled the nascent order to flee to the Eastern Plaguelands for a time to spare Forsaken civilians the wrath of their conflict.

After many months of striking against key Lightsworn targets across the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, the Convocation at last unraveled the mystery of the Lightsworn cult’s origins and claimed victory over their enemies. At long last, they set their sights once again on the work of rebuilding the spirit of the Forsaken from the heart of Tirisfal.

Yet not all things are fated to be resolved with such clean simplicity.

As word of a strange, beautiful melody heard by many sweeps across Azeroth—and shadows grow long in the minds of those whose hearts are opened to the mysteries of the Void—the Convocation of Darkness finds itself unable to ignore the threat that rises…

:scroll: Purpose

Forged as a weapon to strike from the shadows at the heart of the Light’s dogma, the Convocation of Darkness has grown to encompass not only those obsessed with unmaking the Church of the Holy Light, but also those with an earnest desire to help the Forsaken people by protecting their lands and uplifting their spirits. While they remain committed to their sacred charge, members of the Convocation employ their various skills to mete out vengeance upon their enemies or minister with words and salves to wounded bodies and sullen spirits.

Those within the order are equal under the Shadow and encompass all walks of unlife, from tradespeople to apothecaries to elite dreadguards or Deathstalkers. Through the application of oneself to diligent work and study, they learn to embody one or more of the three virtues of the Forgotten Shadow, following one of three paths on their journey toward dark enlightenment.

Regardless of one’s station or rank outside the organization, upon taking the sacred vows to pledge oneself to the order, a new member is granted the rank of Acolyte and evaluated by their contributions to the Convocation’s overall mission. With time and understanding, they come to embody one of the three virtues—which serve as the guiding tenets of the Forgotten Shadow—and are thereafter granted a title befitting this growth.

:candle: The Path of Respect

The Shadewalker

Shadewalkers represent those among the Convocation who have honed their ability to manipulate the world, and those around them, beyond the power of Acolytes. They recognize with humility their place in the world, yet have learned not to underestimate the potential in all mortal beings—least of all themselves.

:crystal_ball: Leader: Ihuthlis Duskshard, the High Priestess.

:crossed_swords: The Path of Tenacity

The Shadowguard

Shadowguards have proven their ability to withstand great trials and tribulations beyond what they had initially faced as Acolytes. By their deeds and their unflagging commitment have they made themselves a force to be reckoned with, and woe betide those who challenge them to falter—for they will not.

:shield: Leader: Sehoro Crestley, the Overseer.

:skull: The Path of Power

The Dark Seer

The Dark Seers of the Convocation possess an uncanny connection to the darkness, and their careful cultivation of power has seen them grow strong in the Shadow’s favor since they began their studies as Acolytes. Whether it be through visions, whispers, premonitions, or sheer ability in summoning the Shadow to shield allies or smite enemies, these disciples have become well-versed in their faith.

:church: Leader: Maerlyn Eldham, the Archpriest.

Throughout the course of our guild’s existence, we have worked hard to cultivate an environment where characters are presented with a variety of situations that allow them to grow and develop. As such, we are actively seeking RPers with a hunger for developing their characters and interacting with others in a meaningful way.

In RP, that means…

  • :open_book: Story-driven Guild Events
    We are a guild of storytellers, and if you enjoy getting out into the world, then you’re in good company with us! From combat to stealth and sabotage to conversation with untrustworthy NPCs, the Convocation regularly finds itself facing situations that must be dealt with in order to advance their mission of opposing the Holy Light.

  • :beers: Social and Pick-up RP
    While D20 events are always good fun, true character development most often happens in those quieter moments when conversations lead to introspection, conflict, or new revelations. We regularly host tavern nights, pick-up RP, and other social opportunities to make sure there is ample downtime between the fighting!

  • :game_die: An immersive yet easy-to-learn D20 Roll System
    We have developed our own roll system based on a heavily simplified version of D&D 5th Edition, allowing for characters to distribute stat points between Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma to aid them in rolls made at any guild events. We have also developed our own Feat system (also reminiscent of 5e) consisting of nearly 20 custom feats to allow for greater character customization when it comes to rolling.
    :exclamation: We actively use the DiceMaster addon for our RP and encourage players to have it downloaded, however it is not a requirement.

  • :computer: Channels for Discord RP
    Do you like to RP at work? Sometimes you’re craving a chance to play your character, but maybe getting in-game that week is proving challenging. While the majority of our RP (and all events) will take place in-game, we also have IC Discord channels that see plenty of use for smaller scenes.

Outside of RP, we also offer…

  • :tophat: Transmog and Achievement Runs
    If you’re going to be undead, you might as well look good doing it. We also love unlocking cool new stuff for the guild!

  • :flashlight: Dungeons and Delves
    Many of us enjoy a good PvE night (or day!), and if you’re looking for friends to join on some dungeon or delve runs in the new expansion, we have plenty of roles in Discord specifically tailored to help organize times for grouping up.

While all of our PvE and PvP activities are secondary to our RP and therefore not the focus of our guild’s planning, we have plenty of players who enjoy the various aspects of content and are always happy to welcome more RPers who like to dip their toes into endgame activities as well.

:date: Timezones & Scheduling

Our most consistent hours of activity are generally between 5:00pm - 10:00pm Pacific (Wyrmrest Server) time, with start times occasionally fluctuating depending on event hosts. Members are welcome to host their own events (be they pick-up socials or larger adventures), but we do have several nights dedicated to consistent activities.

Recurring Events

  • Sundays @ 6:00pm PST
    :beers: Social RP! Join us for a regularly established time of free form/pick-up RP to get to know your fellow Convocation members.

  • Fridays @ 6:00pm PST
    :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Guild main story and monthly meetings. Recaps of main story and meeting events are posted to our Discord so members can always stay up to speed even if they miss a day!

Attendance at events is highly encouraged, and always optional.

:peace_symbol: Membership Criteria & Guild Philosophy

To decide if our guild is for you, please consider the following:

  • We are an undead-(Forsaken)-only guild. This also includes death knights of any race and darkfallen elves, but we do NOT accept san’layn. Once a member has established themselves in the guild with a level 20 undead (IC and OOC) character, the Mercenary rank is open to them to bring in living alts.
  • Primary characters in the guild must be at least level 20. Alts of any level are of course welcome, but your main character should meet the minimum level requirement!
  • As our roleplay will feature dark and mature themes, we do not accept players under the age of 21. Due to the nature of our content as a darker guild, we prefer to cultivate a crowd capable of roleplaying such themes with maturity.
  • Most importantly, be respectful. We are all here to have fun playing and RPing in WoW together, and we want our membership to make choices that promote this kind of environment. No racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. speech or content will be tolerated. We are accepting of all identities and people and are led by LGBTQ+ players. Be excellent to each other!

If all of the above sounds cool and you’re interested in joining us, feel free to contact any of the names listed below, or fill out a Google Form application and one of us will reach out to you shortly!

:incoming_envelope: Contact Info

Rank In-Game Name Discord
High Priestess :candle: Ihuthlis ashakuarius
Overseer :crossed_swords: Seho sehoro
Archpriest :skull: Maerlyn soulcatcher

:globe_with_meridians: Carrd Page

:bookmark: Guild Wiki

:clipboard: Guild Application


I’ve had some of my best RP experiences in Convocation of Darkness. Whether it’s Sodoff dealing with Forsaken drama or teaming up with guildmates to take on Light worshiping fools, the stories we create together are incredible. The guild’s creativity and dedication make every event something memorable. Convocation of Darkness isn’t just a guild; it’s where I’ve drafted some of my favorite memories in the game.


10/10 Would die and join again.

Seriously though, if you’re looking for a smaller, closer knit, character-driven community then this is where it’s at!

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Great, active guild with awesome dead folk.

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Join the guild.

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I don’t always brag about a guild I have been able to join. But when i do it is the Convocation of Darkness. Come for the thrills, the chills, and most importantly the Triumvirates will.

I hope you would consider this guild for your Forsaken RP theme style. It also provides good times in a fun and casual manner for PVE and PVP if you want to partake in those things.

“The darkness became my only friend, my only ally. It was the only thing that never left me. It is only fair that I repay the favor. I will let the darkness consume me and let it turn me into something else… something better.”


The Shadow and the Sea :scroll:

Roughly one week before the festivities of Brewfest commenced across Azeroth, the Convocation of Darkness gathered in Brill to share in a monthly gathering of liturgy and ceremony. Yet over the gathering, a heavy cloud hung: the recent destruction of Dalaran was to become the main topic of the night’s business, with word that one of the Convocation’s own members—the mage’s apprentice Edmund Baxter, who had lived in the city—had not been heard from since its destruction.

With the safety of one of their brethren at stake, Archpriest Maerlyn Eldham announced that the Convocation would journey to Dornogal and join the Horde forces there to conduct their own search for the missing mage. Two weeks later, a seaward voyage led by Overseer Sehoro Crestley and High Priestess Ihuthlis Duskshard arrived in Dornogal, the city of glittering stone, whereupon the Forsaken began preparations to conduct their own investigation of the ruins of Dalaran.

Legacy of the Void :milky_way:

Yet even as preparations began for the journey to Khaz Algar, the dark ranger Kavrana Wildmist—driven by a deathless need to uncover answers pertaining to her former Scourge master’s legacy, and what it might mean for the Forsaken—led several members of the Convocation into Deatholme on an errand of stealth to uncover a trove of knowledge secreted away in one of the san’layn’s tower dwellings.

Though the Convocation managed to retrieve that which they sought, it was not won without a fierce battle against a dark creature that summoned illusions of itself and attempted to infect several of the Forsakens’ minds with crippling magics that forced them to experience terrifying hallucinations. Once victory had been achieved, the spellblade Gwyndolyn Gwiddonod managed to open a portal to spirit them safely away.

Bumping our forum post here with some story updates from some of the recent events we’ve had! We’re excited to be kicking off the first of our guild’s main story campaigns in The War Within this Friday (after having a prologue event on the Isle of Dorn on Monday—and we had half of it on a boat. Who doesn’t love a good boat event?).

If you’re looking for an active, friendly RP guild where story and character development are always our main goal (but casual PvE and PvP are welcome too!), then look no further :grin: We’re always happy to welcome new undead friends into our shadowy family. :skull:


It’s always a joy to see Forsaken guilds! Some of my best (limited) RP experience have been with groups like Defilers of Arathor & The Royal Apothecary Society! I’m not much of a WoW RPer but everything about this looks VERY appealing!

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I’ve known Maerlyn since 2019. Great storyteller! CoD is just what WrA needs to provide RP anchored towards the Forsaken and the CotFS.

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Of Ash and Shadows :candle:

Last night, the Convocation gathered in the Brill Cemetery to hear a sermon delivered by Archpriest Maerlyn Eldham to commemorate the advent of yet another Hallow’s End. Invoking the virtue of tenacity in his call for the Forsaken to stand strong against their enemies, Archpriest Eldham rallied all who attended, whether they were of the Convocation or simply Forsaken who had wandered by to listen, to not lose heart in the face of adversity, but to remember what had always made their people strong.

“Fear not the dark path.” These words were spoken by many as the dark cleric called forth two of the Convocation’s wardens—the Deathstalker Ciarán Deadlight and the Dark Ranger Kavrana Wildmist—to take up bowls which had been filled with hallowed ashes from the most recent wickerman ceremony held within the Ruins of Lordaeron. Many in attendance came forward to mark themselves with these ashes in a tradition the Forsaken had observed since the first days of their freedom from the Lich King.

A murmured unison of “I am Forsaken” went up from the crowd, and after some words of insight were given by those who gathered, the sermon was brought to a close with a word of firm resolve: We are the Forsaken, and woe betide those who would oppose us.

The Convocation is excited to welcome the beginning of another Hallow’s End! On Friday we had the second installment of our guild’s first main story campaign in The War Within, Shadows Linger, last night we gathered for a sermon in the Brill Cemetery, and tonight we’ll be at the Horde Guild Faire in Orgrimmar!

There’s never been a better time to dive into Forsaken roleplay than during the spooky season :ghost: Come join us for consistent, story and character-driven RP (and maybe a delve or dungeon as well! :key:) with all the finest gothic horror themes you could want.


Roleplayed with some of your members last night and had a blast! Look forward to getting to interact with yall more.


Great group of folks, extremely happy to have joined up with them. Come join us!


It’s a great time to play an undead character. :dagger:


Under Skies of Prophecy :open_book:

After successfully rescuing Edmund Baxter from the clutches of his Nerubian captors deep within the sinister gorges of Azj-kahet, the Convocation turned their sights toward perhaps the greatest mystery in all of Khaz Algar: the crystal Beledar. Resolved to deepen their understanding of the crystal—as well as the Arathi prophecy of a coming apocalyptic war between light and dark—the Forsaken journeyed to the small shipbuilding hamlet of Lorel’s Crossing, taking up temporary residence in the Fjord Tavern.

Once settled, the order convened to discuss next steps, convinced that while the Nerubians who sought vengeance on them would not abate in their pursuit, it was nevertheless their purpose in journeying to Hallowfall to conduct a rigorous study of the mysteries there. Archpriest Maerlyn Eldham, convinced that the Shadows were attempting to reach out to them through the dark crystal’s umbral shift, led the Convocation outdoors to witness Beledar’s crepuscular transformation.

Under the twilight skies, two of the order’s members—the Deathstalker Vyse Shadowbloom and the mage known as Silent—underwent the rite of the Shadowguard and Shadewalker, respectively. Now, established in this strange new land amidst a people whose reverence for the Light eclipses all but the most devout, the Convocation conducts their studies with unwavering patience and discipline.

A merry holiday bump from the Convocation of Darkness! :christmas_tree: :skull: This month we celebrated two years since our guild was formed! In that time we’ve welcomed in a lot of wonderful people who’ve helped to create an awesome community of good storytellers and good people.

Lately a lot of our RP has focused on Hallowfall, making the most of this absolutely gorgeous zone and its aesthetic as we continue our guild’s main story. Sunday nights we’re still back in Brill for characters who chose to remain in Tirisfal or for those who make frequent use of the portal our resident mages have established between Lordaeron and Khaz Algar.

It’s always a good time to hop in on some Forsaken RP, especially with the new year just around the corner. Cheers to 2024, Wyrmrest Accord, and here’s to many more! :fireworks:


Do you guys require the toon be on WRA to join?

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We do not! We’re open to undead RPers joining us from any server provided they meet the criteria specified above :slightly_smiling_face: If you’re submitting an application from another server (like Moon Guard or Emerald Dream), just let us know which server you’re on in the Google Form app so we can find you.