Sharding has gotten out of control!

A list of links from across the forums that have complained about the sharding issues; I will update as I find more:

^(Says phasing but is about Sharding)

^(Uses phasing but is actually about sharding!)

^ (Says phasing but really means Sharding)

^(They say phasing but its actually sharding)

^(Also says phasing but this issue is sharding

^(Uses ‘phasing’ but is actually about sharding)

^ (Thread from 2018)

^ (another from 2018)

^(another from 2018)

^( From 2019)

^(another from 2019)

^(Another 2019)

^(Another from 2019 displaying that sharding is not working as it was originally intended)

^(One from just last december '23)

^(Another thread from 2019)

^ (another from 2019)

^ (Shadowlands content)

The following threads are sharding related as sharding is supposed to create and fill new shards as others become too full but instead it’s randomly tossing players around and sometimes placing them on dead shards:

Sharding in relation to RP realms where it’s supposed to be disabled: