I was just in a group on Mechagon that contributed to and built the Reclamation Rig, fought through all of the phases until the last when the elementals come out, and then got moved to a shard where no rig was up right before we completed the event.
Is it possible to lock players to one shard while they are contributing to events like this? It’s pretty sad to lose out on the event completion after giving so many resources and time into finishing it.
I’ve been phased to other shards mid-fight when killing a world boss, but that’s so much worse. You’d think this would have been a common sense thing Blizzard would have made sure to prevent from the beginning. That sucks man, sorry. 
Just happened to me and my guildies. We just were killing the last mobs and it phased us out. Needless to say some profanities were shouted. Also, now our rare farming is messed up because we got sharded.
I also spent 1000 of my parts on it to ACTIVATE IT and still got phased. Pretty mad right now.
I also have been experiencing this sharding issue.
Its absolutely game breaking and annoying.
Same issue here. It’s happened twice while fighting Mr. Fixthis in Mechagon. I am fighting him (with other players present, but not grouped) and then he and the other players disappear and I am in a new phase or shard where he isn’t even active. Very frustrating.
This sort of thing is happening to me in Nazz all the time. Sighted a rare about 10m ago, a big crab in the Coral Forest, sat there for a few minutes waiting for people to turn up and suddenly, pftt, it was gone. Just not there at all.
This is truly a ridiculous situation.
How can this possibly be allowed to continue. It completely interferes with player’s pleasure in the game and yet it just keeps happening. Either fix this damned sharding, or turn it off because seriously, its majorly broken.

Sharding should be a warmode only thing.
It’s happened to me, too, far too many times. I’ll see an item for the requisition quests (ugh seaweed and starfishes) and fly close, only to have it vanish. Same thing with mining nodes, sometimes while I’m in the middle of mining. “There is no loot.” or whatever the message is.
I’ve started premade groups for rares like Soundless or the Reclamation Rig and had people plead with me to close the group “before we get sharded out” which is probably why it’s getting harder to find rig groups for isotope farming.
this happened to me mid fight with a rare in Nazjatar. I mean I get sharding taking effect when you zone in to whatever area you are in but you shouldn’t get phased just by standing there.
I can’t help but think sharding has gone too far.
Almost 20 years ago (2002, I think?) one of Dark Age of Camelot’s big selling points over Everquest was that you didn’t have a load screen between zones. The only load screens in DAoC were between your home realm and the frontier. It made the world feel more real and seamless.
Sharding is like an evolution of that idea, taken to the extreme other end. Not only is the world no longer seamless; we can’t see the seams, so we can’t prepare for them.
Worse, getting “sharded out” seems to happen randomly. It’s not even something we can control or influence. It happens when too many people are in an area, maybe? Or too few people are in the same area, but on a different server? Or it’s solar flares? Does anyone know why we get sharded? Because sometimes it feels like I get sharded from a crowd into an empty zone, and other times, it goes the other way.
I’m no programmer or game developer but…
List the number of things you can’t do because you’re in combat.
Big list.
Add being moved to another shard to that list.
If I can’t mount when I am 700 yards away from a mob I aggroed 5 mins ago…
But I can jump a shard?
This is one of the major reasons, once I got revered with Rustbolt for my Pathfinder 2 for flying, I rarely go back there to do quests unless I need something or am helping a guild mate out.
I am not a fan of this particular zone, I’ve been sharded twice now fighting that huge spider that spawns every once in a while and both times I ended up on a shard in front of the spider location; once the spider was not even up yet, and the second time I arrived just as the boss was defeated but I did not get credit for that kill even though I started and did half the fight on the original shard.
This just happened to me today in Nazjatar (I was not in a group). I was doing the world quest to kill naga and there was a lot near me. Ended up phasing into a shard where all of them are dead and the one I was attacking was no longer there.
Sharding should not be broken to the point it shifts you while you are in combat. Doesn’t matter if it is WM or not. This is simply poorly executed and they know how absolutely annoying it is.
You tell me, i got phased away from the gorilla mech AFTER i used my battery to activate it. It’s ridiculous.
I camped the hell out of Soundless, found him, announced him to General, pulled him and suddenly “POOF” I was alone again.
Add rares that require camping to meta achievements - fine, just don’t phase me while I am fighting one of those rares. GAH! So angry right now!
Sharding needs to go. Just join more servers together. Right now it looks like sharding is causing a whole slew of issues. Get rid of it already.
I was camping Harvester in Mechagon along with one other Horde player and about 15 Alliance. Suddenly, all the Alliance players were gone, leaving myself and the other Horde player there. We’d been sitting for around 30 minutes when this happened. I spoke to the other player to make sure they didn’t just all fly off and he said no. We both waited another 20 minutes and still no Harvester.
I then decided to go camp Rustfeather. I landed and saw only Horde players. I asked in general chat if anyone could see any Alliance. Someone responded that he saw a few in warmode. I relayed what had happened at Harvester 20 minutes prior and another individual replied that the same thing had happened at that time in the Rustfeather area.
@Jyxy, I suspect, if they were communicating with one another, they started grouping. I noticed that in any zone, if you click on a lfg for anything requiring a group or raid, that once accepted you move to them. Its possible there were enough that grouped together for the system to recognize it as a bunch of players linked together in a group and just moved them to a different shard due to size.
However, with that being said, it just seems really odd that the entire group you saw would just shard if they did group up. Because sometimes I’ve seen a group from the same guild waiting for this spider and I just waited with them and joined in the fight without seeing any disappear.
I really dislike sharding that does not take into consideration being in combat already. That is just poor programming.
Out in Northrend on a lowbie. Take quest, kill quest targets, go to loot quest item, dead target phases. Back off, it phases back in, try to loot, it phases away. Leave area, return, reset, kill quest target, go to loot, get phased where everything is back alive, get swarmed. Repeat. Abandon quest. Leave. Nevermind I didn’t want to do that quest anyway.