So… a lot of the servers are basically empty, or like, near to? I’ve been hopping around alts and uh… Is this game on life support?
Did everyone leave for greener pastures? Like, I get it but maybe do some server mergers? Kinda pointless playing an empty MMO.
this is a very big issue, most of the servers are dead… i think its because most people moved to the higher pop servers (myself included)
Blizzard has slowly increased the server caps and each time they increase it more and more people flood to illidan and area 52, those two servers are probably 90% of the playerbase at this point, if not more.
I came from a server where you could /who and see 25 ppl online during peak times… illidan has thousands online every second of every hour.
in war within youll be able to join a guild regardless of which server you are on and right now you can trade with everyone. i think the goal is to combined everything here soon but who knows if it will take 1 expansion or 2 before it happens.
How do you know if they’re empty? (not criticizing, just asking)
I haven’t seen any empty servers. There are some that are newer than others and those have lower populations.
And this game is definitely not on life support. I’m sure a ton of people will disagree but applications on life support don’t get subsequent expansions 
/who during various times/hours and choosing major cities to /who without level requirements. If there’s only you or one or two others in Stormwind/Valdrakken/Org at like 6PM that’s kinda dead.
while the /who function has been slightly broken over the years, it still mainly works so you can /who 20-60, if you get 50 ppl that means you hit the cap. so try a smaller range /who 20-40 then /who 41-59 ect and count up all the people.
Exactly why I sorted by population and picked a high pop server to play on. You should do the same.
Mine is dead and I’m looking for a place to move. For a solo player part of the fun is being around other players & right now I’m lucky if I see more than 10 players in Valdrakken - and in open world maybe one.
This character has been around since 2005, and I already moved to WrA from Gnomeregan since it was a dead server. Are you suggesting I move AGAIN because they’re incapable of sustaining their servers?
Or are you suggesting I give up on almost 20 years of progress and re-roll, abandoning everything I’ve done? Cause um…
FORK THAT NOISE. Get good game, stop failing your players.
If you aren’t playing on Stormrage, Sargeras, Illidan, Area52, Mal’ganis, Tichondrius, Frostmourne (OCE), Thrall, Zul’jin, or Bleeding Hollow you’re basically playing on a dead or dying server and are thus playing the game incorrectly.
The overwhelming majority of the NA/OCE playerbase is concentrated onto these servers. They have stable crafting economies, a surplus of strong Mythic guilds, etc.
it sucks switching bc of the cost, but i dont regret going to illidan. On the massive servers there is just sooooooo many people everywhere that people dont care to talk or be around eachother … so that is a slight problem, but its better then seeing zero people.
Discord also has to be a huge issue with the social aspects of this game, maybe if guild was redesign to be more like discord people would hang out in wow and socialize instead of on a third party app
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What’s a good one for an Ally?
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Is this a mythic raiding issue? Or is there something else that the in game group finder isn’t helping with?
checks /who while waiting for the everbloom to start
checks the names of people standing around around me
finds no names of people around me in /who
(edit: eventually found one … and another one … ok, there’s some correlation between who and the population around)
It’s also because they list servers as NEW to entice new players to join up to an empty server, get to experience the game without the never ending services chat from doom scrolling through your screen, without all the trolls running rampart and all that.
A nice and relaxing introduction to the game.
But honestly it doesn’t even matter anymore, with TWW coming they have already pulled the pin, join a guild from any server on the same region, so any ‘fixes’ people think off won’t make any real difference.
Crafting’s the big one.
If you want someone to get your Lariat done on a dead server (basically any of the ones that aren’t what I mentioned above) you’re going to need to fork over an obscene amount of gold. You may genuinely have one or two Lariat crafters, at best, on a dead enough server.
i think sargeras or stormrage i believe, but ask around bc i only play horde
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I mostly play solo, I don’t give a short about raiding. If you want a lobby game, go play one.
I play an MMO to chat while I quest, to group up with people, to be social. You know, to engage in the overworld with others, instead of just raid logging or queue farming.
That’s why I went to WrA, it used to be a bustling and vibrant RP server with lots of walk up RP and lots of guilds.
These are the correct answers. Proudmoore used to be the correct answer alongside these but ever since Formality transferred to Thrall (where it proceeded to die at the start of the expansion) that server’s been hemorrhaging good players.
The reality is, most good players will go where the best guilds go.
Idk I got one crafted on icecrown. The server I’ve been on since 2004 and within 10 seconds had one crafted for 2k gold.
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I think Lightbringer for Alliance - I’d have to look at that site again. Anyone have the link handy?
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