Sharding is out of hand

Not sure if this is due to the fact i’m in a high pop server- Bleeding-Hollow NA(altho 90% of the time i see OC people in the zone i’m in). But sharding is really terrible atm, what’s going on? I’m mid fight with a rare, doing a hunt, mid quest and stuff is just resetting.

Is this happening on all servers? This is absurdly punitive when there’s nobody doing the event you’re doing and it’s back to zero after 20 min.


I’m on a mid-low pop server and get sharded around constantly. Mid centaur hunt, mid gathering, mid combat with ZC rares, even mid banking.

Something is very wrong.


Yep. All the time. It’s ridiculous.




There should be like an internal rule where if a player enters an event zone, their shard is hard locked and cannot be changed. If the shard is too depopulated, then put in the wq eye lfg search thing for someone to jump into groups and hop shards manually.

Boom. Problem solved. I’ll take my cheque now, thanks.


I’ve noticed this. It’s not as bad as what you’re describing on Area 52, at least for me today but it’s been going on for a couple days now.

It’s weird.

im on a really low population realm and this is happening to me too.


On Trollbane I’ve found myself alone in Valdraken in the middle of primetime.

Sharding sucks.

We need to have have at least a couple interns working on a viable solution to names for WHEN we end up on a single mega-server.

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on turalyon your always alone in valdrakken during prime time.


I did the entire DF pathfinder achieve at expac launch and saw maybe 10-12 people in the game world (not including Valdrakken) the entire time. Was depressing AF.

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This last week I haven’t been sharded out of a single seed or superbloom. It’s a refreshing change.

As far as I’m concerned, they’ll never fix it lol.

Back when I was still playing retail, in the Dream, got sharded and a full seed just disappeared in front of me.

Over in SoD, people are being phased/sharded into other shards mid-Battle of Ashenvale.

Some folks were winning, and sharded straight into a loss.

Worse yet, a battle that’s ongoing, and suddenly you’re zoned into an Ashenvale where the battle is already over.

It’s bad.


It’s true.


Oh man, that sucks big time.

They need to do like FF and have a shard select on the middle of the map you’re in using the bronze drakes, so people know what kind of shard they are in and what they can do about it if they get sharded out.

It’s a simple solution they prob don’t want to implement


It’s happened to me in Superbloom several times (including an entire 40-person raid group I was in getting pushed to another shard), and solo in normal content. Thankfully it hasn’t been too much, but it’s unacceptable each time it happens mid-fight or in an event.

They should remove sharding, layering, and cross-realm play and bring back server communities.


Sharding have been way too agressive for forever.


Sharding for me always seemed like a cost cutting feature, a lot is sacrificed just so server load balance is optimal but that isn’t what players find fun.

They certainly havent made it better by making tons of events where you could lose progress by being sharded, at least world quests before were kinda simple and you didn’t lose much by being sharded.

If they want to keep this up they need to re-think how they shard people and maybe let people choose their shard/layer like some other mmos do.


Being on moonguard, it’s a pretty big pain to be sharded constantly and suddenly in an area with only 5 others when I was just surrounded by 30-40 people.
It makes no sense why they do this.


A couple hours ago I planted a purple seed and filled it up to 100%… and then I sharded out…