Sharding while playing

earlier today I was waiting for a dreamsurge effect to come into play. it was the Dreamsurge Magpies effect. there were a couple of gold world quests nearby so figured it would be a good time to get them done. I vote, and wait for the timer to count down. the DM effect is clearly the one that has been chosen - there was no doubt about that.

Do both the world quests, don’t really stop and look after the first one but I did after the second - no gold buff. the DM effect had been switched for the Dreaming Winds buff. the only way this would’ve happened is if I had been sharded while playing from one with the DM buff to one with the DW buff.

Blizzard - stop doing this. Nobody who is currently logged in should be booted off their shard. Nobody who is in combat with a creature should be booted off their shard (numerous times I’ve been fighting mobs, filling the bar world quest and then boom, my progress is gone and all the mobs vanish and then reappear).

this should not be happening to players who are active in the zone.