New time sync from Bliz?

IS this by design, or simple accident, but 2 days now I’ve tried to do things in retail And both times I get randomly shard changed so I can’t complete my task. First while planting a purple seed and dumping 500 currency to max it out, 30s nope get wrecked. enjoy this fresh dirt pile.

Then Forcing a rare spawn, having it just over 50% dead, and nope, enjoy these 10 new mobs around you with the rare gone, because why the f not.

This is not encouraging or immersive, and making me reconsider giving retail another shot.

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I say this every time, but if there was an “opt out” setting for sharding I’d take it in a heartbeat. I don’t care if I never see another player again or have a laggy mess of 200 people in a zone both are preferable to having all your progress doing a task negated as you and your entire group suddenly get shoved into a different shard.

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A Community Council member is trying to bring more light to it:


CRZ still stinks. Hasn’t worked since it was added, never will.

Should drop it and what they forced down our throats in MoP.

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Layering sucks, but it’s a necessary evil I’ve learned to cope with over the years.

Yeah, I’ve lost WildSeeds or w.e they’re called too, due to the same issue.

On the other hand, I’ve also benefited from constant respawns due to being layered at convientent times. PvP hilarity ensues.

The layer giveth, the layer taketh away.

Or doing the suffusion camp weekly, and the bar for Fryakks disciple goes from 99% to 0% lol. Or the disciple dragon disappearing mid fight :rofl: