Fyrakk's assault event progress - bar resetting and despawning Fyrakk

The behavior I experienced was different than the old issue of being stuck at 100%, so I’m starting a new thread. Bar reached 100%, zone yell from Fyrakk came through, saw the dragon icon appear and start moving from west on the map, then suddenly within moments after spawning on the map, he disappeared and the event counter reset to 0%. Then the disciple randomly flew in by himself after five minutes or so, the event counter was up to 60% by the time he was killed then disappeared after (which is expected as there shouldn’t even be a counter up for a time in between events). I was not in war mode, was not in a party or raid. Everyone in the area experienced this.


I also had the encounter mess up, but it was in a somewhat different manner. We managed to get Kretchenwrath to show up. Things were moving along as they were supposed to. Then at around 5% health left a number of us were shifted to another shard and the boss was gone. Progress was listed back at 0%. Then it went up some some value and then went back down. After that I gave up and moved away.

I was not in war mode, and I was not in a party or raid. I don’t know if anyone around me was grouped up.


This! I’ve been unable to loot the boss because I’m shard shifted either as he lands or when he was at 5% health. Suddenly I’m shifted to an empty shard with zero progress to the boss spawning. It’s super frustrating and happening way too often. Why has this become an issue? It’s also happening when I’m waiting for treasure goblin. I’ll be with a bunch of peeps at the portal then suddenly they disappear and the portal is in a new location with nobody else there. I feel like I’m being trolled :frowning:

This might be what just happened to me. We had the disciple down to about 40% health and it just disappeared and the Fyrakk progress bar appeared at 1%.

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This is still happening. While killing the disciple, all the people in the area shifted into another shard where the boss was no longer up and the progress was reset to 0.

Still happening. Just saw the bar reset TWICE on Garona and now it won’t move at all.

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Getting shifted to a different shard in the middle of the fight cannot be intended server behavior. There was only a handful of us, and nobody could tank it. We were slowly working it down and then poof. I’m on a different shard and there is 0% progress.

I know better than to do this event, and yet I still attempt it. What an unmitigated, at launch mess the world events have been this expansion.


Still happening 1/25/24

Still happening to me on azure span vyzoth stormrage 10:19pm CST

Still happening in 10.2.6 with the Awakened patch. Only difference I’m seeing is I’ve been out here in Azure Span for two hours, and still haven’t seen a progress bar for Fyrakk’s minion yet.