Sharding In Dragonflight

I have had enough of the sharding that is going on in wow. i understand that is was put in to help alleviate the lag and crowds in a zone. It was supposed to make a copy of the zone and put the new people in it. It doesn’t do that anymore. I have been camping rares for the last week. I waited for 6 hours for a rare to spawn which is on a 1.5 to 2 hr spawn timer. I was transported to about 5 different shards in those 6 hours. I probably missed the spawn. I waited another 4 hours the next day and was transported to another 3 shards and missed the spawn again. Yesterday I went to obsidian citadel and started killing things to get some magmote. I carefully pulled so I wouldn’t get too many. I was on the last one in the area, it was almost dead and I was sent to another shard, this time with 5 mobs on top of me. It seems it is currently taking you from what you are doing and moving you. It doesn’t seem to be working by taking the new people to the shard, it takes whoever it wants when it wants and as often as it wants. It is BROKEN and needs to be fixed. My friend and guildie last night camped Breezebiter. Hit is and had it 1/2 dead and got sent to another shard. He was lucky he got moved back shortly to finish the kill. It wasn’t supposed to take you in the middle of a fight, or if you were in the zone for a time.


Unrelated to what you were doing but I’ve had issues with sharding recently too. It happens in old zones just as much. I was working on the Fisherfriend of the Isles achievement (Burning Legion) last week (Which btw blizz, we can no longer use the extra colors unlocked for Underlight Angler after DF launched, please fix that too! )

I would place down some fishing buff items, one with a 5 minute CD, the other with a 10 minute CD, Start fishing with others, then suddenly Id be sharded out and fishing alone. WITHOUT my buffs, because they are manually placed down items that give the buff to the general area.
So I’d lose my buffs and not to mention, all the other people fishing up the rare spawner which speeds up the entire process. I probably lost a good 6 hours of free time just because of sharding phasing me to an instance of the zones where I was completely alone.

Id guestimate that being in a party might root you to a singular instance of a zone… but that’s not exactly a possible fix I could use on the days where all the other fishers were of the opposite faction.

it has been wetting worse and worse. wasting a ton of time getting bounced around instead of being able to do or complete what ever i was working on.

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Just putting my grubby little claws on any thread about this that I see.
It’s driving me nuts

I’ve also lost my fishing buff to phasing. Once about 2 seconds after I dropped it. Left me standing there like that meme of the guy with his hands on his hips. (I can’t post photos yet, so enjoy my bad description lol)

Had a ridiculous instance of this today while part of a raid killing Aurostor. We engaged him, after 20-30 seconds or so we moved to a new shard and had to start over. Then another 20-30 seconds we sharded AGAIN! Thankfully the third time was the charm, but this is an incredibly annoying waste of time.

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I’ve also experienced this a few times now when killing this boss. Though we only got sharded once each time.

The world boss in the dream…moved 4 times WHILE FIGHTING IT…whole raid had to nearly kill it 5 times to get credit.

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Another frustrating problem today where I was soloing Envoy of Winter (which takes a relatively long time) and it disappeared at about 40% HP. This behavior can’t continue Blizzard.

The sharding is out of control. Go rare hunting, no one around, rare up that drops a mob…move an inch to pull the rare - transferred to new shard. Do the dig event, have several people there, invite a guide mate to MY group…transferred to another shard. Do the superbloom…people there, same thing add a person to my party…moved to a new shard with NO ONE.

The tolerance level is set way too low and Blizzard really needs to either shut it off completely at this point, or really work on increasing the number on a single shard. I’ve also planted a purple seed and been sharded away right after planting it. Thankfully it seemed to still pop up after the fact, but I couldn’t add anything else to the tree.

The real question, with all the posts about this here and on reddit, are we every going to get an acknowledgement from Blizzard this is not working as intended and they need to make changes?


The sharding is driving me insane. I actually cannot believe how many times this has happened lately. This has made doing most anything PAINFUL, sometimes impossible, because of how much time it has wasted. I have actually lost count of how many times this has happened. I have been in the middle of killing bosses, doing grand hunts, summoning rares, research under fire, the soup, the big dig, siege on dragonbane keep, zaqali, questing, basically anything in the overworld, and have lost all progress because of sharding. I have been by myself, in a party, in a raid, and it’s happened in all of them. Myself and others have had this happen MULTIPLE TIMES trying to complete one piece of content. It’s getting so incredibly frustrating that I feel like I’m losing my mind.

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Ok this is getting frustrating I have never experienced “sharding” until now and then its like every time I turn around…I do not get to play as much as I used to my mother is sick and I spend most of my time caring for her so when I finally get to play I get this? Seriously please just fix it.