Can we stop getting randomly sharded?

I was fishing Islefin Dorado. Suddenly I stop fishing and I’m fishing Thousandbite Piranha instead.

Earlier I was fighting a rare. Got it to low health. Suddenly get sharded and it has full health.

Another time I pulled four djardins for an inscription item. Suddenly they disappear as I get sharded.

For the love of Chris Metzen stop sharding players, especially mid combat.


Today, after the reset, I was sharded away from 5 seeds and lost all progress and any rewards in under an hour. It is not worthy of a rage, but it is making FFXIV looking better every time this crap happens.


Today I was sharded in the middle of a banking transaction, which closed the bank window. This is getting ridiculous.

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Autosharding is really really bad atm. I’m randomly getting sharded mid fight, mid flight, mid looting, during hunts.

All progress keep getting lost, end of a hunt and oh look, now ur back to stage 1, after 30 min, how much fun!


This continues to happen, it’s random, not in a group, just doing stuff (like planting seeds), and boom randomly get sharded and lose my progress.