The Phasing in Bel'ameth is Way Too Aggressive

I just ran a festival in Bel’ameth and the phasing was a nightmare. At most we were only able to get 80 people in a single shard and we had to leave so many players behind. People really want to use this area for Roleplay and it feels like we are getting penalized for wanting to engage with the community.


That’s the problem. It’s an elegant area but they didn’t build it like a true capital city. It doesn’t have the size to take on 100+ people in a single instance right now. Blizzard was merely making something pretty, not thinking about roleplayers. They never do.

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More of a reason not to use it. Could just use Teldrassil or some areas of Val’sharah as a proxy.

Ashamane’s Temple is a good area to have a festival and is criminally underused.

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It’s unfortunate that a place that a lot of players, mainly roleplayers in this instance, aren’t able to use Bel’ameth and the surrounding areas for roleplay. I think that capital cities, regardless of server and server type, should only have players from that server or players that were ‘server-hopped’.

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No, I agree wholeheartedly. I do think that it is a massive pain in the butt esp for walk-up RP in addition to server-wide events.

However, I do think that once the hype of Amirdrassil dies down a bit, they will remove it and then those who wish to RP thereinafter will be fine :>


Welcome to everytime there is a ‘new city/zone/anything’ in the game. Which kills it before it ever has a chance. RIP Boralus.

I can respect the server load and balancing Blizzard has to do, but at least just shard it for all the RP servers together to make it somewhat feasable we can at least get together with like minded invidiuals.

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I’m holding out some hope that it will chill out in time. It just really sucks right now. It’s a shame because people are hungry to rp there.

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Its because its current content. Sharding and cross realm zones are always on in current content. Provided Blizzard doesn’t ‘forget’ to, it won’t be disabled until the next expansion has started.