Hey folks, i’ve been dragon riding in azeroth for the last hour which was a lot of fun but anywhere i went, in all ally zones, villages, the only place I found ONE player was on a gate in stormwind, literally no one else, ended up pretty sad to see all this landscape with no players in it.
Is that because i’m on a low pop server ? Ain’t sharding supposed to fix that ? Or is the game just really low in player population ?
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I been saying for a long time they need to pull a gw2 and make 1 mega server so everything connected than use layering on patch days. Even on high pop servers the world feels empty also flying mounts don’t help either.
that would never, ever work lol
Your right silly me for having faith in blizzard.
Could be that its tuesday and folks are still at work or that it is reset. I know i was questing in the broken isles and i sww like 20 folks doing legion invasion stuff.
It’s almost like the majority of players are in the current content and not in the zones from two decades ago…
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There no reason to be in the world, people are instanced content like raids and m+, or pvp
The purpose of sharding is to split up population so there are not too many players in one location. High pop realms are grouped together, and low pop realms are grouped together. What this means is no matter how many dead realms they put together, the total is still dead. Players who roll on servers like that are likely to see no one as they level. It doesn’t help that they are prevented from using the group finder to do quests. Or possibly that was the intended purpose, to make sure levelers solo everything to prove they deserve to level up and find out if there are other players in the game.
You’re supposed to be pretending that this is still an MMORPG rather than a lobby game.
Yea separate servers is a really outdated concept.
Lots of MMO’s just load you in and you can swap between different layers at will.
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If that were true, I wouldn’t be seeing Illidan, Stormrage, and Proudmoore as often as I do from my far lower pop realm compared to those.
Sharding sometimes does strange things. I’ve been sharded solo into zones a few times in places where I knew for a certainty there were other players (like Dragonflight zones).
The way WoW works, those older zones would still be sparse with players, and the current content zones would be overloaded with players because that’s where we are all at. They would have to make those older zones relevant and cut back on sharding for that to work.
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what’s in the water today? 
Doing Loremaster really lets the empty set in. Other than random people hitting up elders in Grizzly Hills.
I’ve done 1/2 of Northrend Loremaster maybe seen 15 people.
It actually scares me to find someone in a long forgotten place. Chromie time has caused a lot of this emptiness too.

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