Ana self heal Passive ability idea

The DEVs stated that they’re not interested on improving her weaknesses — her lack of mobility or her poor self heal.

A more likely fix would be for them to make her sleep dart efficacious — actually have it do what it was intended to do. As it is the dart’s a more difficult a shot to make than most any shot in the game. That makes it a terrible “Oh Sh*t!” panic button.

Another possible solution that doesn’t try to improve her mobility or self heal is to give her a little shadow cover to operate under as a preventative measure…

But good luck with that. DEV gods are cruel and harsh whereas Ana’s concerned. They like seeing lower bracket Anas suffer and die horrid deaths many times and often.

Whatever the case dive is here to stay. It’s not going away soon, they keep adding heroes to it near every other patch; and each time they do they add yet another hard counter for Ana to bleed on.

Honestly, she needs a retune; but don’t expect that until it’s blatantly obvious to everyone… and then some.