Mercy vs High Skill

I don’t see a problem with mechanically easy hero doing fine on viability and in metascene. “Muh skill” is not an argument when this game needs far more than raw mechanical skill alone to manage.

The only problem I see is if the competition for her job are too weak to rise up to the task to compete for either of the support spots.

Last season, Ana was actually more picked overall and in GM than current season. Only in GM on current season does ana see a rise in winrates, otherwise they are just as bad as they’ve been last season when she was non-viable.

Current meta does actually favour her greatly and she sees ample amount of usage on GM and top 500. But Ana’s problems are her and herself alone. Her versatile kit was weakened too much and she got no survivability to gain from it.

They believe that 12 second disengage is enough on a game where other, far more reliable disengages are on 2, 4 and 8 second cooldowns. It is not enough.

Her kit is no longer strong enough for offhealer. Neither is her healing reliable enough to substitute out a main healer. So yea, she would need buffs in some direction.

Last time I checked when ana thrived in a meta was when she had overloaded kit and lucio aura 24/7. So either give her some proper self-healing capacities that doesn’t waste an important cd or buff her frankly really good kit just a bit so it’s more usable.

Some self healing would make it easier for lower end players to survive better and help higher ranks too, while improving her kit would benefit higher ranked players better as they can take better advantage of her kit. But either of these seemed apparently important.

One important aspect is also the lack of counterultimate that stops her usage. Nanoboost should boost the healing done by 30% minimum when applied to a healer instead of dps, to make her ulti more versatile and allow for counter opportunities in a different way.

They should not be afraid of tank meta. Slambulance is already here and viable and Moira is leading it instead lol.