Mercy players, other than "old mercy" what do you want?

A survivability buff to Ana so I don’t feel like I have to play Mercy to effectively primary heal.

I know stated Ana’s weaknesses are supposed to be no mobility and very weak self heal. Fine, but at least give the girl better one-on-one options than a dart designed to mostly miss and easily breaks with any kind of stray damage.

Then at least let it function as intended! Her problem is that an entire ever growing meta hard counters her — dive. To stave any high mobility hero off she has to be pinpoint accurate — even at point blank range. Shouldn’t the dart be easier to use at point blank range; at least as easily as a Flash Bang does? That’s a panic button buff that’s sorely needed — especially at the lower brackets of Ana play where there is no concept of peel.

Do that and I’ll quit maining Mercy and return to maining Ana again. I’m tired of always feeling like I have to play Mercy.