Rebalance Symmetra!

personally I’d prefer they just separate out the delay of sym interacting with tp vs allies.

i.e. allies have to wait out the entire deploy time like live, but sym can start interacting with tp immediately upon placement.

this is unintuitive. I think it would be better to just let her use it and stop other players using it.

I’d argue the patch notes are useful.

But that the overall goal is to use it as a framework to show the Technical Problem, qualitatively how players feel about the Problem, the general direction of a desired fix, and qualitatively how the player thinks that would be better, and maybe how that would have a broader expected effect on the rest of the game.

But yeah devs will come up with their own solutions, or take yours and tweak it until it’s unrecognizable.

But it’s still useful for context to anchor around.

you could, but I don’t think it’s necessary to remove such capability.
and if you do, you’d want to buff her in more ways.

e.g. my idea was that if we do go that route, you can straight up put sombra translocator cd mechanic on it + capable to instantly interact upon placement + whenever sym interacts with tp she triggers her shield hp regen.

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I mean increasing TP’s uptime and allowing it to be only for personal use fits way better with an OW2 DPS
I genuinely think team TP is a better support tool, though not on it’s own, that would be quite terrible.

Meanwhile I’m sitting here having “guessed” nearly every systems feature they’ve put in the game for the past 2 years…

They have options to make Symmetra fit into 5v5.

I don’t know if that have the staffing or development time to program much needed radical changes.

Personally I like her to go back to Support because she’s obsolete as a DPS especially when her hard counter, Soldier 76, is god tier.

But if they announce a whacky out there change like letting he gun or TP play more at the speed of a game like Portal, I’m cool with that.

Just don’t make the Sym mains have to wait a year for you to update the hero as buffs to other DPS make her get lapped again as she sits on the niche bench.

you like to stroke your own ego don’t you.
What exactly did you, a random forumer, tell the devs to implement. Why do the devs come on the forums and reddit to listen to specifically the almighty greyfalcon and not the other tens of thousands of users…

Yeah me too you aren’t special

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I could probably throw more on the list of ya like.

Clearly it takes more than a few weeks to make role queue.

This is something lots of people asked for

Congrats you had a go at 5v5. Like thousands of others did. If 7v7 was a thing then that could be anyone else.

All you have done for all of these is made literally 50k posts and then said: LOOK I PREDICTED AND MADE THESE CHANGES HAPPEN.

It is like when they say the simpsons predicted 9/11 or some crap. The simpsons has like 700 episodes with thousands of gags and stuff. When it “guesses” something it is usually just they did SO MUCH, that they “predicted” it by just making jokes about random vaguely possible things.

Literally I kid you not almost all of these “correct things” are just common sense guesses. Role queue was suggested by LOADS of people, so was an open queue.

You are simply a delusional moron with ego issues.

Says the guy clinging onto autoaim for dear life.

I swear to god you must be illiterate. Because I do recall saying I would be happy for turrets to go and I think they should go. Many many times…

Sentry bombing isn’t the issue.
Turrets ARE the issue.

You are a moron who can’t read. It is that simple.

I humoured myself by taking a look at one of those links. You really think your post with 1 like 22 replies down a thread was noticed by the devs and caused them to limit heropools to GM?

You make 50,000 posts on the forums, it’s unsurprising 25 of them come close to what the devs had in the works. It also helps that this was very common feedback at the time…

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The article saying that they’ve noticed that Sym (and Junk) suck but will get changes later suggests to me that they’re not moving Sym over to support. Or that their support Sym concept didn’t pass muster. Nothing’s set in stone, though.

Good news: making a post detailing all the ways Sym’s kit is sluggish is feedback. :slight_smile:

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Good but I have already made threads in the devs preferred feedback form!
I don’t know if these patch notes are helpful

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Even with your improvements she still has a gimped version of Soldier’s gun, so there is exactly zero reason to compnerf Sym for basically any of the buffs you gave her.

Her potential is already low for a low range weapon on a low survivability hero.

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Well for that it’s worth, I do appreciate finally seeing standalone Symm posts that feel like a good amount of effort was put in it. For that, here ya go. A formatting tune up:


Photon Projector (Primary Fire):

  • Range increased from 12m to 14m
  • Charge time decreased from 1.33s per level to 1s per level
  • Charge is now retained for 3s regardless of level (Previously 4s for level for and 2s for level 2)
  • Damage values changed from 60/120/180 to 75/120/170

The goal of these changes is to increase consistency and versatility of the Primary Fire while still keeping it a close range weapon and reducing it’s power to compensate

Photon Projector (Alternate Fire):

  • Projectile size decreased from 1m to 0.3m
  • Projectile speed increased from 25m/s to 60m/s
  • Damage reduced from 120 to 100
  • Charge time decreased from 1s to 0.8s

The idea here is to make the secondary fire into an aimed projectile that is effective at mid-ranges where the primary fire can’t reach, while reducing some of it’s damage to compensate for the other buffs

Sentry Turret:

  • Health redistributed from 30HP to 35 Shields
  • Maximum Turret count reduced from 3 to 2
  • Cooldown reduced from 10s to 8s
  • Cast time reduced from 0.5s to 0.2s
  • Projectile Speed increased from 15m/s to 30m/s
  • Deployment time reduced from 1s to 0.8s

These changes are an attempt to make turrets more flexible and less costly for Symmetra herself to place them midfight while reducing her potential to camp and hold chokes with many turrets that can be replaced easily.


  • Deployment time reduced from 2s to 1.5s
  • Now has a duration of 10s
  • Cooldown starts immediately
  • Cooldown increased from 10s to 12s

I want teleporter to be more flexible and ready for Symmetra herself and I think OW2 goes beyond the need for an infinite teleporter. If this made teleporter too strong I would want to see a change where either the teleporter dies after being used 5 times or the teleporter is for Symmetra only.

With this Symmetra will be allowed to play greater ranges with less set up time to do what she needs to do. It takes Symmetra too long to do anything and it is going to be a problem where she is either very strong once she finally does it, or is too weak if she can’t. I’d like to find some middle ground by making her more consistent across the board at the cost of some power.

^^^ this tbh.

like I know OP said not to look too deeply into numbers which I get. but ballpark number adjustments on top of what OP has I’d go with are:

  • Primary
    • 90/120/180
  • Orbs
    • from my calcs, doing something like 0.4m diameter + 65m/s projectile speed will put the projectile aimability/effective range to be like torb’s primary if torb’s primary was linear.

While the only mechanical change I’d put on top is really

  • Teleporter
    • sym is capable of interacting with tp upon placement whereas teammates will have to wait out the full deployment like live

OP may have said the mechanical change in counterintuitive, but it’d absolutely a necessary change to make her tp better for self mobility.