A fix for "Widow Pocketing"

There is a saying: even a blind chicken finds a grain of corn sometimes.
The majority of what you wrote did not come true.

in the first one, Mitrovarr said, that in 1:3:2 Solo Tanking felt still bad and 3 dps did not make a difference.
You responded with:

So, Supports played Dead by Daylight the first few seasons, Tanks are gigabuffed and still feel horrible to play.

Also regarding Sombra, She was the only DPS who was sometimes played during Goats Meta, yet you said that she a strong weakness with 2 DPS. And now Sombra got multiple reworks and terrorizes Metalranks.

because the power of a hero does not necessarily translate into how popular it is. Yes there are always player, especially tryhards and t500 who will always try to play the strongest option. But if you look at Widow, why is it that she a Top pick in the metal ranks in quickplay, but in ranked her pickrate drops into the bottom half. This indicates that she is played for the playstyle/the hero and not to win. (At least in the metal and mid ranks)

On what sources does this stand? Outside of “trust me bro”. Why do you think this would be the case? You always talk about it but you have never explained once why this would be the case, what makes you so sure.
Widows frustration comes from her ranged oneshot, which (by your own words) is not a big problem outside highrank, since most outside of this 1% can´t hit it.

You are also tackling a problem with pocketing which is rarely present, since widow is not a good target to be pocketed anyways. So, you trying to solve a problem that does not exist.

Studying does not make you automatically an expert, you may know one or two things more then someone who has not studied but thats it.
And neither I nor anyone else have claimed to be experts.