5v5? Wait whose idea was it?

Whose idea was it to come up with 5v5? This is so wearisome both mentally and physically.
I didn’t mind the mess we had in OW1, Idc about anything just give us back 6v6.

OW2 reminds me of this song : Big Yellow taxi.

Big Yellow Taxi

They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel *, a boutique
And a swinging hot spot

Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Till it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

They took all the trees
Put 'em in a tree museum *
And they charged the people
A dollar and a half just to see 'em


Me and many others can only take like 2 to 3 matches in one sitting because 5v5 has simplified the game so much that it has made it boring to keep replaying it. Deaths from random spam also occur more often.

The times in 5v5 that pick-offs happen immediately makes 5v5 feel like a walk-back-to-fight simulator. This occurs much more often in 5v5 than 6v6.


5v5 feels like the worst 6v6 games to me, but all the time.

In 6v6 you’d get a Rein-Zarya on the enemy team and something like a ball-hog on yours doing whatever with no reasoning, and you’d think it was bad. But that “bad” is every 5v5 game.


5v5 > 6v6

20 characters


Someone at Blizzard, most likely encouraged by players suggesting that two tanks (double shield) was too difficult to play against and/or tank being one of the more difficult roles to play as in OW1.

If you’re trying to play seriously, I’d imagine, tank is still a linchpin class. However playing casually it’s far more fun in 5v5 than it ever was in 6v6.

OW1 was fun, up to the introduction of role queue, that’s when it stopped being fun.

I’m personally having far more fun casually now than I did when I was sweating it out for 3 years in OW1. Though I enjoyed my time sweating it out I won’t lie. In hindsight OW1 was not a game for casual play now that I’m experiencing 5v5.

The dude’s singing a sad song about his gf leaving him, without realizing he’s the reason she’s leaving him.

No AC by choice but blaming the Big Yellow Taxi? More like Big L.


5v5 Role Queue with Role passives? I was asking for that about a week after they did that 1-3-2 Test.

✅ Next Experiment: 1-2-2 SoloTank

I knew it was bad even before trying it out. It is so absurd that it is mindblowing that it even got approved. What they were even thinking? It doesn’t make sense to reduce team sizes even from marketing standpoint.


It was my idea. sorry dude :snowboarder:

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dam you predicted the future BUT i do wish we had that roadhog ability FART SHIELD lol. maybe the rework??

5v5 is a massive improvement over 6v6.

Y’all don’t remember tank queues in ow1.

It was obvious it was going to be bad. One didn’t even have to play-test it, simply running a game in your mind would make it obvious.

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Tank queues was a result of Role Queue. Another failure that helped ruin the game.


Benefits of 5v5:

  • Shorter queue times
  • More emphasis on individual play
  • Faster paced games
  • Easier to balance

That enough reasons for ya?


It was my idea. You’re welcome.

5 v 5 is superior. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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yet they broke the matchmaking which is in astonishingly sh!te spot, even though theoretically it should be easier for them to balance it and amend


How do you know the switch to 5v5 broke the matchmaking? This seems like an illogical conclusion to make.

Yet another blizzard dub.

Y’all don’t remember the 5dps+mercy meta pre-role queue.


Which is translated to FFA “kill more crap” which goes against whats actually fun about this game.

Not really, the pace isn’t faster, its just different. OW1 constantly had something going on, people dying more doesn’t make for a faster pace, in fact it slows the overall amounts of interaction in a game and they had to lower respawn times to compensate.

Oh yeah, sure, OW2’s balance has been absolutely atrocious so far so there’s not much to prove that point.

And 6v6 was still better even if the wait was longer.


Even that was more fun than this drudgery.
Also, at higher levels (plat+) stuff like that didn’t happen often. Being unwilling to swap for the team would prevent climbing.

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because it was in a decent spot pre ow2?

obviously old matchmaking was designed for 6v6 so they had to either rewrite it or somehow modify which ended up in this abomination

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