So, I tried 1/3/2

Its a dumb pew-pew-pew mode that makes winning killing the other team’s tank first. That Blizzard actually wasted 2 months plus putting this in game, instead of say Hero 32 release, or some game mode or balancing focused on the real game, we got this nonsense shows a real lack of forethought.


If that’s what you took away then you didn’t understand what I meant.

I went and played a few games as support. It was even worse than playing tank. I didn’t think it could be worse, but it was.

Well like I keep saying, 1-2-2 would make it so there isn’t 3x players trying to murder healers all the time.

Sorry, but I really don’t think that would be much better. I know you mean well, but I wouldn’t want to play that either.

So what are your thoughts on if they did this for in 1-2-2?

Not really a fan to be honest.

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I think it’s more of disagreeing than not understanding.

I can completely comprehend all your points, they were well written – I just think they are from a very biased spot that isn’t necessarily the right things to base decisions for the future of this game on.

Everyone’s opinions are from a bias. I’m certainly not alone in my opinion though. It would appear that a majority dislike 1/3/2.

What pressure?

The only times I can think of when there is really pressure on the DPS is when there’s a Pharah or there’s a Reaper. Other than that, DPS can be as useless as they like if the tanks can do enough damage. In low ranks the DPS are definitely the least important people on the team.

seeing people say “but you came in with expectations” as though it’s not human nature of course one would or something… Ok then


I’m reading the feedback from the devs.
Much as I would like to see it in place, it isn’t going to go though.

Yeah, shockingly (sarcasm), it just went back to how things are, with tank and supports queues flipped.

Almost like all the folks who predicted that playing support in 1-3-2 were on to something :roll_eyes: And I’m willing to bet that tank queue is still inflated from people trying the changed tanks.


I 100% agree with the OP, as overall 3/2/1 has been a really bad overall experience for me and tons of other people… I would even call it terrible from every aspect even if you’re playing Tank (they’re the ones who have to deal with long queue times now as well) and just a tad bit better if you’re playing Support…

Hope this change doesn’t go through and it thankfully won’t, as long as devs act logically and realize that it’s not worth it ruining the experience of so many Tank and even Support players (as if they already weren’t in a bad enough state already) and sacrificing the arguably great overall state Overwatch has been at for the past weeks for the sake of catering to the same old DPS players, due to the behaviors of many of which, systems such as role - lock had to be implemented in the first place so many months ago…

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I like playing as off tank too =\ ie the Zarya that peels with bubbles, body blocks for rein etc =\


Actually, as tank, it is one of the best experiences ive had in the game. The idea of a big beefy hero is awesome.

The OP already went in it with a negative mindset. Also probably relies on “offtanks” to much. Needs to change their point of view of what “tanks” are as heros.

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Offtanks are not needed. You also need to remember, the opposing team woud only have one “tank” hero too.

Just NO.


that picture of the queue times posted to reddit is absolute BS, see for yourself in game. the vast majority of time the queue times are 3 2 2. im like 80 games into the experimental card and ive only seen high dps Qtimes once

if you think healers dont like this mode, just ask an ana or zen player, its crazy fun. if your tank doesnt like this mode i bet they play rein and expect everyone to be grouped like in 2-2-2. switch it up to find out what works. right now one of the tanks is unstoppable if played right, one more is near unstoppable and several are viable with different strategies. play more games of this mode and youll know which tanks im talking about

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I like to call it “The team that has the better Widow wins 2, Electric Boogaloo” because a good Widow is actually ridiculously strong in that.
You don’t have a second tank that can dive her with your other dive DPS. If your dive tank goes for her, you’re done for because now you’re easy targets for the enemy team.
And she can continue to happily pick off her targets while the other two DPS on her team don’t even have to do much. They just have to harass the enemy a little until they peak. It’s a terrible experience and I don’t understand how anyone could ever like it.