The nerf biotic grenade needs has been obvious for so long

It’s the length of the anti-heal! It always has been! I personally couldn’t care how much you increase the cooldown timer, the length of the purple is still just way too much, and takes 100% of the skill out of capitalizing on tank executions. Ana is my main healer, and it’s just way way too easy to delete tanks with it.

I feel like the antiheal effect should be just enough that if you’re coordinating well with your team you’re rewarded with a well-earned tank kill. As it currently stands, during a team fight, if enemy tank is at 50%, you’re almost guaranteed a kill if your team is smart enough to pick up on what you’re doing (which is almost always the case in my experience). It almost never feels skill based.

It feels like the more you increase the cooldown, and reduce the healing potential, the more guaranteed it is that you’ll be saving it for tank kills. Reduce the purple length by a LOT, increase the healing, and bring the cooldown back to what it was in previous versions. I personally VASTLY enjoyed the ability more when it was viable for BOTH healing, and offense.

Honestly I always felt the problem was a bit more about how it does every thing at once. It’s not like Ana has to choose between healing and anti heal when throwing it. It does dmg, healing, boost, anti etc all at once and to a large area.

I always felt a better chance would to just make Ana pick before throwing much like Moria’s orb. Healing your team or putting anti on your enemy. That would be a choice to make instead of just tossing into a group of people and letting it do every thing.

Yeah, but I’d argue that should be changed in the form of giving all Tanks a passive to reduces the duration of all negative status effects.


I whole-heartedly agree with this! I’ve actually been saying this for a long time, myself!

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Lol, well this is almost 4 years old.

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