Overwatch 2 needs to hurry up

Right??? This year has flew by



I genuinely don’t know how people prefer playing OW1 over 2

This is so garbage right now


Its funny. During the beta i wasn’t sure about 2. But actually goikg back and trying to play 1, its so unbearable.


Well think how I feel, I’ve been spamming for “Tanks that feel like they come from an FPS game” for over 2 years now.


Heck, this was posted in February 2020.


What’s your personal opinion on the power level of the Tank role in OW2? Too strong, too weak, or just about where they should be?

This isn’t about specific tanks, just the role in general

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Tank role is about perfect for what it needs to be.

Like if they just reverted Orisa/Doom to their Beta #1 stats, and gave D.va a few important but minor buffs. Great.

Hog…he needs more but he isn’t going to get anything until they are more certain about what queue times look like. Since Support players don’t like him.

I also expect Junker Queen will end up needing buffs eventually.

That said, if they ever do need Tank to be more durable, I’d want a debuff resistance passive. Heck, maybe try it on Hog first :stuck_out_tongue:


I can’t wait for so much of OW to be taken away from us! It’s almost like all the things we are “gaining” don’t even justify what is about to happen. :exploding_head:


Yep, I agree. Tank felt powerful but not oppressive to play against, which I was originally concerned about. I can see them being less durable later on though, as they ended up being in OW1. That debuff passive idea you have would be good for that.

As for individual tanks, yeah, a few of them need some buffs. I’m just surprised every tank isn’t super underwhelming, because I thought they would be back when they first announced 5v5.

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I’ll give you insight
You are a sombra main who sees that ow2 got her nerfed

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I mean the game as a whole though

Every single hero feels worse in OW1 personally

From personal view point beta 1 had so many bugs and such blatant balance bias that if you didn’t main hitscan I don’t see how anyone had fun with beta 1, to top with terrible UI, sound bugs all over the place, and overall a terrible experience

Beta 2 improved a lot, better UI (not perfect yet but it improved), performance, actual functional sound, I will be honest I had more fun in beta 2 than ow1 despite sombra being a terrible character lul

Other than that, probably nostalgia, and that flanking feels braindead because you don’t have to worry about anything

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I just find main tank unbearable in OW1. Off tanks like Hog and Zarya are fun. But Orisa especially feels awful. Even though she was still one of the weaker tanks in OW2 she still felt more like a tank.

yeah but I bet you miss being able to ping enemies :wink:


ikr once you play OW 2 and get used to it ow 1 feels like some horrible experience that you really do grow to hate…

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People are so thirsty for anything that feels slightly new that they’re completely ignoring what the upcoming October update will take away from them and the game itself.

What’s actually funny is to see some people (from this thread and elsewhere) call people like us “negative” or “doomers”, yet I’ve never used the word “garbage” to describe the last two betas… I’ve always had lots of arguments to explain why 5v5 is unplayable and game breaking to the franchise.

In the meantime, people use that word (“garbage”) to belittle OW1… Ironic, right ?

The last and funniest thing is that some of the forumers that are after players that didn’t like the lackluster betas (like me) spent the entire OW1 run criticising the game and they expect players that did like OW1 to simply remain quiet / silent now.

If that doesn’t scream entitlement, I don’t know what does… This entire thread is toxic.


Going from 2 back to 1 was like dragging my face across low grit sandpaper


I called it garbage because that’s exactly what it is. We were lied to for 3 years and are being offered less than what should have been getting for a big “sequel” launch here. It is baffling that people will settle for less and will literally be handed garbage and we’re just supposed to accept that lmfao. The copium is unreal at times.

I’d love for anyone to show me how I personally gain more from OW2 existing because I am not seeing it at all, especially not as a collector.


I know… I just think it’s better not to use derogatory words, even though I agree that the upcoming OW update is really problematic. It’s always better to use arguments instead.

Same… It’s like OW1 haters have made everything in their power to destroy what was once an excellente game. Of course current OW1 can’t be good but people don’t realize they’re responsible for it for the most part.

Some loud players on the internet have been complaining about Overwatch’s core concept since 2016, that’s why the game got worse over the years in the first place.

That upcoming update people call “OW2” will not make it better as it’s going to be released with many flaws from the start. All it takes is people complaining about it to make it even worse (same scenario as in OW1).

All the people praising the last two betas will certainly complain about the game the same way they did with OW1 in a few months, once they’ve taken the October update as granted and consider it as something “old”.

The game can always evolve and get better but people can’t, it seems. Overwatch has a big “toxic community” to solve first… if we want the franchise to thrive again at some point.


Or, you know, people just liked how the game played? I know it’s a crazy, unheard of, and downright mind-boggling thing, but there are a lot of people who liked playing the beta and are excited for OW2. Not just because it was new, but because it was simply fun to play, especially in comparison to OW1.

Also, what exactly is getting taken away? 2CP?