Ana's favoritism

As soon as one player picks ana, enemy team must pick to counter anti-nade or you lose. Contrastingly, There are the occasional games you can play as bap where you aren’t playing against Ana, therefore healing goes up.


You claimed that Ana is the most skillful support. You say her hitscan damage contributes to her skill cap. I say it’s much easier to get value from the hitscan always 70 damage hits than it is to get damage from slow moving orbs.

The devs also said that they specifically KNEW Ana over performs and WON’T NERF HER because she’s a fan favorite.

Moira has fade. Moira doesn’t have Anti-Nade or Sleep Dart or Nano Boost or long-range hitscan DPS.

He still can’t insta-heal himself for 60 while damaging anything within 20 feet of him for 60, nor does he have a 1.5 second stun he can combo someone down to 5 health with.

again, with the heavy prediction based orbs that are unreliable, compared to Ana’s no headshot needed hitscan 70 DPS?

Can he completely shut down any healing the enemy team can do? No? Can he stun for 1.5 seconds? No??

:smiley: all you ana mains are the same, you know your hero is busted but hide behind the illusion of “skill-based gameplay” that created the power creep problem which ruined Overwatch.

anyways, I’m blocking you now. Clearly, you are too illogical and/or intentionally stupid to understand basic arguement.

have fun yelling into the void


A lot of copium for the fact that Baptiste simply heals a lot lol.

:sleeping: Reading is a skill we should try to keep sharp as we age!


Yes, a free escape tool. Glad we agree!

Good observations! She is still very good in OW2, imagine that! And now she’s getting additional utility in her own sleep-dart-esque skillshot! Yay Moira!

Correct, he can insta-heal himself for 100 HP now! And it’s a CD that is specifically meant to be used to keep him alive, rather than him having to sacrafice his utility to do so like Ana does with nade!

Correct, he instead has a literal Immortality Field that he can throw at the ground!

Yes, hence why I said

Because then they become more reliable! :hugs:

Nope. Can Ana revive allies from the dead? Can she fade into thin air to cleanse herself of negative effects? Can she ride on walls and boop away enemies? Can she create fields where its impossible for her or allies to die? Can she knockback enemies with a whip to trigger an AoE heal?

Good observation that different heroes do different things!

I’m not an Ana main…I’m a Support main with over 2,000 hours on Mercy and 100s of hours on the other supports. :woozy_face: Not everyone has to be an Ana main to recognize that’s she not a giant OP skill-less monster like you forum warriors try to claim.

Oh no! What will I do!


They say, after yelling into the void about Ana being OP when the Devs don’t care and don’t agree…lol


Oh Aurora, are you doing that thing where you talk up the abilities of every other support while talking down Ana’s to make them seem less oppressive? We all know that the reason you do that is because you don’t like the other healers besides mercy and would have them all be unpicked so you can mirror match ana’s and spam nades.
If we’re going to be honest you can’t act like Ana is any harder than any other support. She has just as many forgiving mechanics as the other supports but she gets to be the best among them. Case in point for a support character that is considered entirely skill based she sure does get used a ton in the tiers where players have a hard time aiming. like ya know, Bronze?

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Erm…I main Mercy. Mercy is almost only ever meta when Zen is meta. Zen is a flex support, he competes for a spot in the meta with the other Flex Supports, aka Ana.

So if I wanted to be selfish I would push for Ana nerfs and Zen buffs. But I don’t need to because I think both are on a fairly even playing field balance wise at the end of the Beta after Ana’s nade nerf and Zen’s HP and kick buffs.

When Ana was too strong and Zen and Mercy both felt too weak 2 years ago, I pushed for Ana nerfs and a buff to Zen’s utility and Mercy’s HPS. And all 3 things happened in a singular Anniversary patch. Then I stopped complaining about Ana because she felt fair/balanced to me.

When the OW2 beta first launched, I came on here talking about how certain supports did not feel on par with the likes of Ana, Lucio, and Moira. And then I watched the Devs buff Zen and Bap, nerf Ana and Lucio, and talk about buffing Mercy and Moira. And now I am no longer complaining.

Ik it’s crazy but sometimes people want the game to be fun/balanced and not just have their main be OP!

As someone who has played all supports in GM, I’d say Ana definitely feels a lot more difficult than Moira, Brig, Mercy, and Lucio, and more difficult than Bap. Zen feels a lot more difficult a lot of the time due to his primary/secondary fire.

Just my opinion from experience tho :hugs:

that’s called bias sweetheart, you don’t “feel” like Ana is OP because you play Ana, duh


Yes, I do play Ana…as I play all the support heroes…that’s kind of how you get a good grasp on the state of balance, you play the hero and you play against them and you play with them…

Not sure how you got “you’re biased” from me saying I’ve played all the supports in GM and feel Ana is one of the harder ones…

Also what happened to blocking me? :thinking:

Lol, apparently aiming an explosion that’s a quarter the size of the entire objective is “muh skill”.

Tbh, my only problem with Sleep Dart is the 1.5sec stun.

If they changed it so that it’s like this, I’d be fine with it.

That said I don’t really have a problem with Ana in OW1.
She’s kept in check by all the barrier spam. And it’s fine if offtanks have inconsistent tanking value. Because they are offtanks.


I wouldn’t mind them nerfing it at all like that. Could also just make it a Tank specific change too since they have a new passive anyways

Yeah… they could do that…

Dunno why they didn’t start that actually.

Dont forget HP heal that was added to nano.

Remind us again- How long does sleep last even if they take 1 point of damage immediately?

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:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

Make sleep dart into a 5 second 50% slow. Problem solved.

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If Ana wasn’t in the game, I wouldn’t be a support main.

Also tired of the comparisons to Zen. A hero doesn’t have to be projectile based to be skill based.

Widow has and always will be one of the most popular heroes in the game. That doesn’t mean projectile heroes like genji don’t exist.

“Sleep dart is a skill shot!”

Imagine having an ability with this much leeway thinking it is a skill shot.


Are you reducing the cooldown? A stun is so much more powerful than a slow. It’s also a smallish projectile. It would need to be under 10 seconds.

No, she should get the same treatment Mei and Brig got: stun removed, make it do 25-50 damage on hit, 3s 50% slow, and that’s your lot. Enjoy.

If that sounds too harsh, well… that’s life without the dev favortism shield.


even then it still lasts longer/is more effective than plenty of other OW1 CC’s

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Never going to happen.