What would y'all do to make Overwatch perfect

  • mod api+sdk
  • third party ladders and servers
  • whisky

Community Servers
Clan Matchmaking
Balance all heroes to have soft counter play, and more options to deal with heroes in matchups


I would probably remove Reinhardt and Mercy. Thats my perfect game.

But more realistically, I would probably have them remove role queue. Then do something about certain heroes that have kits that contradict their intended design/ gameplay fluidity.

Since Blizz just added hero pools and more frequent hero changes, the only things missing are a guild system and a player driven tournament system.


Well Im working on it trying to get the hang of workshop but so far the thing I’m happiest with is removing sigmas barrier buffing his primary fire damage to 130, giving him a low gravity ability that increases move speed, putting his ultimate at 7 meters per second move speed and have it give him 25% damage reduction

I doubt all this together is perfectly balanced right now but I’m trying to test it

I wanna know so much

  • To find out all of the juicy blackwatch lore

  • Find out why Genji and McCree don’t like Moira

  • What Moira and Reyes were up to in Blackwatch

  • Find out why Moira and Reyes Joined Talon

Basically… I wanna know all the Moira & Reaper stuff hahaha

I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING :ghost: even down to how many freckles moira has lmao… yes I am one of those people


-Make seasons shorter (30 days)
-Have role locks change each season (no locks, 2/2/2, 1/3/2, 2/3/1, etc)
-Have global balance overhauls every season- one season healing could be globally reduced by 30%, one season crit damage could become 3x, etc
-More customisation (change lucio’s music, change colours like OWL, turn off ambience
-Map editor
-More things to buy with CP (exclusive voice lines, super rare emotes, ruby guns, etc)

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More Tank and Support heroes.

Dunno about perfect, but for better:

  1. Fix the “you have been kicked from the queue, try again”, caused by error messages, or AFKers leaving early in three game. Just backfill, and restart the match.
  2. Create a VGS system so that console players and international players can actually communicate.
  3. Make it so you have ingame access to the Notes field for your Battlenet Friends list. As well as quickly being able to mark what heroes or roles that person plays. So you could create groups, instead of constantly solo queue.
  4. Try out 1-2-2, with these suggested changes.
    ✅ Next Experiment: 1-2-2 SoloTank
  5. Buff up all Barrier Tanks barrier HP back to what it used to be, but make it so those barriers take 1.3x damage is there are two barrier tanks on the same team.
    ✅ DoubleBarrier take 1.3x damage
  6. Reduce how frequently 2CP appears in Quickplay by half.

-Delete doomfist.
-Make a 4th role for utility only supports. Make the game 7v7 or 8v8 to add this 4th role in.
-Nerf anti nade to only reduce healing by like 75% or something.
-Give snipers reverse fall off so they are more counterable.

  • Add skins for more than just events
  • More maps
  • increase the time it takes to reach 100% on KOTH.
  • Reduce power creep
  • Either make Mercy an off healer or make her a better main healer
  • No meta/ no garbage heroes.

Some of these are just fun suggestions and I’m not really thinking these through nor am I expecting them. I’m not sure if it’s really what I want.

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Custom map creator (Similar to Forge in Halo)

Moddable gamemodes (it made TF2 popular for that reason alone)

Playermade skin shop (Blizz takes in 3D models of heroes that our creative art community has, implements them in game for a price, player and Blizz get a share of profit. Its like Tennogen from Warframe. This would help with the growing roster of heroes and the decreased amount of skins for each event.)

A more advanced workshop (Allowing old abilities/animations to be swapped in, like Torbs lvl 3 turret, or Mercy mass rez.)

A better guidance on balance, because the game is still hindered by certain choices.

An advanced training range that allows you to see damage values, what those damage values would be if you were buffed by nano, supercharger, mercy boost…etc.

Custom gamemodes where its above 6v6, like 8v8, 12v12…etc.

Removal of role queue (a personal one, but I doubt they’ll change it)

Dev streams to tell us whats going on instead of leaving us in the dark for a long period of time.

Sugar skulls above enemies Sombra hacks :right_anger_bubble:

And thats just a few. Theres a LOT more that could make this game amazing again…

-Give Torb a bikini skin.
-Give Bastion a bikini skin.
-Give Roadhog a bikini skin.

Edit: Modes please relax, i was only joking lol.

On a serious note:

We need more Tanks and Supports.

We also need more CORE game modes, the current ones are a bit… stale.

Delete competitive mode and shut down OWL.


I’d delete Bastion. That’s literally it.

He’s not OP, he can be dealt with, I just think he’s the embodiment of bad game design and anti-fun combined into one thing.

Although I guess, while I’m at it, the Summer Games event would be less about the games and more about the summer. I don’t care about characters having sportsball skins - every single one of them is bad. Give me more beach party torb, wave racer d.va, cabana ana, and lifeguard mccree.

Get doom out of my matches
Dont know and dont care how, just need to be sure i will have days free of plaing without him.
Oh wait hero pools… i might actualy play for that.

Ah, good point. If I’m a mouse with a cookie, I’ll also ask for a doomfist rework. Every one of his abilities gives him crazy damage, crazy crowd control, crazy durability, and crazy mobility all at the same time, Normally, just having three of those on one ability per character is rare. I think Doomfist should still be a melee character, but not be based on the ability to one-shot people and otherwise play like a nuclear bomb that can autonomously fly.

Movement acceleration. Someone with Tracer’s hitbox and 6 m/s running speed should not be able to turn on a dime.

Perfect balance,
But that cannot exist due to that fact that even if they achieved it the forum whiners would stil say everything is broken

It’s probably something to do with her morality.

Probably stuff like Retribution, but against other threats to the peace.

This is The Big Defining Event From The Past that’s definitely going to have a major dramatic reveal. Probably at the end of OW 2, because that would be amazingly cool.

  • mix and match weapons/ hero skins
  • in-game animated shorts and comics to view
  • battle pass or at least daily/weekly quests (SOMETHING to work towards)
  • ability to erase hero playtime if it’s “less than a minute”
  • Quickplay winrate stat added back in
  • Top 5 most played heroes chart added back in