What do you want D4 to be?

I have made plenty of suggestions.

And in the end the only way to fix the game is to essentially completely go back to the drawing board. There are major issues everywhere from the story to the area design to the total inability of the player to interact with or alter the gameworld (which is the purpose of a game being open world see for example the amazing job Fallout 4 did with its settlement system) to the dungeon design to the gameplay to the gear having too many repetitive overspecialized damage/stat modifiers to the lackluster skill animations to the awful stat point system to the horrible lame paragon board that only increases the meaningless damage numbers instead of fundamentally changing the gameplay.

A game that actually has Diablo in it. At least make him a world boss.

I get that Blizzard feels the need to show empowered females like Lilith and Neyrelle, but the The Secret World already did that (Lilith and Emily/Anima, both females). It failed, but not because of the story line, which was great in my book, but rather because it was an MMO that had solo only content which acted as gatekeepers.

i guess reading must be hard, there is a tons of requests and suggestions on these forums

Charge Monthly fee… Here me out, Season passes are every 3 months, in a year we gonna get 4 season passes. Assuming people love the game so much they pay the 24.99 for accelerated pass that is about a 100 dollars a year or about 50 a year if you get the normal one but the way you buy the currency it comes up to 50 or more. Assuming we stay with the 100 a year that is 8.30 cent a month. WOW monthly is 14.99 or a year for 155.88 dollars that is 55 more but wow is a bigger game than D4. Given that Diablo 4 has less content and a smaller game paying 4.99 to 8.99 a month would benefit the game greatly… I mean we already paying 100 Just to play the game a year. I think we will get better service, items and story. OR it be trash all the same I don’t know. That is my Suggestion, point is we already paying yearly to play the game. That and we also spending (not all people) on cosmetic stuff so yeah is an eye opener isn’t it?

They’re a lot of good suggestions in this Forum, you just have to get through a lot of hate threads without any context to find them. ^^

But short answere: A game with way more depth, more challange than 1-hit bowling pins in 99,9999% of the content (esp in boss fights) and a game with interesting items.

I would also wish myself a propper PVP system with normalized stats + different & dedicated PVP modes.

Plus a good & unrestricted ingame trading system…but those 2 are just my personal preferences.

Also more stash space…I already made a suggestion here that could work without causing more performance issues by increasing the total quantity of 5 (simply make 4 personal and 1 shared tab for every char).

All this is possible becasue D4 is solid in it’s base but I doubt that we will see significant changes here before X-Pac 1 (or even 2). :wink:

a hak and slash game as all other prequels have been but with better graphiks and of course a real money oction house.

I think there are many suggestions, but I will summarise them for you.

  • Complete overhaul of itemization. More uniques, more leg power, more insteresthing game/playstyle changing aspects (would love get rid of and dmg x/+ on every aspect), get rid off 80% “different” affixes and delete useless ones.

  • Bigger fights, more density + open places to fight (every one hates tunnels).

  • Balanc of builds

  • Add more skills, ways to alternate skills.

  • Autochanging layouts of content

  • Add craft

  • Add system for in game trading

  • Fix bugs

  • Fix exploits

  • Add some system when curve difficulty/reward will be exist

There are much more, ask again in 5 yers when they solve this (we can only hope)


Yep, also to the first point:

I want to see items getting more impactful instead of paragon boards or vampiric powers. I never enjoyed any of these, like clicking a paragon node is not fun at all.

My wet dream is that raw dmg and def come from paragon and gear stats only
But aspects are just utility or affect dps indirectly…

So 2x charge for teleport is good aspect.

  • xy dmg when have barrier is lazy and bad.

I’ve been thinking about all that leather and ore we gather. Why can’t we craft some items from it?
And I’ve also been thinking of whites. Back in the beginning of D3 I found these +20% attack speed weapons, white and low level but I imagined that it could become crafting material at some point. Perhaps something like that for D4? Find a good base. Select your stats, with increasing cost for each stat selected, and then roll the dice and see how cool it becomes? Something like that.

Yes, perfect and genius.

This thread is awesome. Some want a PoE clone. Some a faithful successor to D2. Some D3 with better graphics.

No wonder Blizz doesn’t listen to us much. Or maybe they do, and that’s the problem.

Just make a good game that’s fun to play, and the rest will sort itself out.

I don’t want D4 to be D3 with the crazy high damage numbers unless it is self contained in an endgame system like AoZ. I don’t want D4 to be D2 where you can farm for 10+ years and never see a certain drop.

I would like to see D4 adopt more of a middle ground between D2 and D3 in terms of power scaling and item hunt. That said, I would like more interesting itemization similar to D2, Grim Dawn, and PoE. I would like to see endgame progression systems. I would like to see the World of Sanctuary take on more prominence like Lost Ark where there are a lot of open world things to do.

That is just my take on it.

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What it was in the end game beta, with the changes to dungeon layout we have now

I want that also. Trying to go around, doing whispers, but it’s woefully inefficient. To do it like that is best at the blood harvest, then I get those whispers done and some loot which is alright. Also there’s opportunity in the summons. I never summon myself because there’s too much loot and it breaks up my gameplay but I can’t resist if someone else does it. Got 1200 lures at the moment so perhaps I should use them.

I really just want to roam the map and find opportunity and adventure from it. That’s my greatest wish for d4 and has been since d2.
I hated being shut into an endlessly scaling dungeon in d3 so much that I quit the game and didn’t purchase the expansion either. Roaming freely wasn’t there either with those missions that just felt like a chore. Those were for materials to reroll or something, small parts. If I wanted the big chunks I needed to go to the dungeon.
Then it was the builds. Everything depended on your current set items. Whatever I had that made the most damage I used because I needed to progress the dungeon. So my ideas and my building was replaced with a randomized system.

In d2 the world was at a certain power treshold and it could be beat, but the endless dungeons could not and it made me feel weak no matter what I tried. To feel strong I needed to compare myself with others, which I don’t like, how far they had gotten into this dungeon is the mark, not how I felt about my build and how it played.

I want to make my own build this time. I did that in d3 too. Played monk and struggled for a very long time to get perfect spirit gear. It was modest but successful in the end, which was my crowning achievement. Could do some cool things impossible for others but it wasn’t super effective, only just alright. I expect the same results from my rogue this time around and it’s fine, given I have a world to experience my build in. Not just an endlessly scaling dungeon I’m trapped in.
If the world is neglected as it was in d3, I’ll be out of here because I came here for that promised world. Run into some other adventurer and we kill some stuff. Sounded cool to me and is the reason I gave this a try. Now I’m stuck in an even worse place: The lair of the great maggot. It’s regrettable design. At least I go out a bit between the times I enter that accursed cave but it’s not bringing me joy grinding up to attempts on that.
Once I possess the things I want from Duriel, I’m never going back. I’ll just sell my materials or whatever. And I think that goes for most, it’s just not any fun.

Absolutely. This is why I think Blizzard did Renown dirty. It should have been purely optional and not have skill points and paragon points attached to it. That said, I like Lost Ark open world but they have way too many pay to win aspects to it that turn me off. Research time, Energy consumption, and pay to accelerate progress just bring it down. Throttling mechanics like that and arbitrary currency to buy certain crafting mats or blueprints just give me a bad taste in my mouth when I play Lost Ark.

I think that dungeon scaling is the issue here. There is a better middle ground for people just wanting to explore and do dungeons while also catering to people in favor of harder content. This is what I am thinking of how a normal (non-nightmare dungeon) dungeon should scale:

  1. Base difficulty = player level
  2. dynamic difficulty could be based off of several factors including average item level, number of legendary affixes, uniques detected, and uber uniques detected.
  3. Item level ranges of items would also need to associate with a particular level range, but not lock to that level range for equipping purposes, so it can calculate an appropriate difficulty level for the dungeon.

So the dungeons would theoretically calculate difficulty based off of players level as a base calculation then have a formula something like this:

increase difficulty to match player’s average item level
increase difficulty by 1 level if two armor pieces are legendary
increase difficulty by 2 levels (instead of 1 level) if four armor pieces are legendary
increase difficulty by 1 level if one jewelry piece is legendary.
increase difficulty by 2 levels (instead of 1 level) if all jewelry pieces are legendary
increase difficulty by 1 level if one weapon slot is legendary
increase difficulty by 2 levels (instead of 1 level) if two or more weapon slots are legendary.
increase difficulty by 1 level for each Unique detected. Uber uniques will raise the difficulty by 2 levels instead of 1 level.

Drop rewards from said dungeons would be from a range of -5 item levels lower to +20 item levels higher of your players average item level with a cap of 910. Item level 911-925 should be reserved for endgame content. This way, even if someone doesn’t want to put Duriel or the World Boss on constant farm, they could at least get close. It also makes running around in the open world and entering a normal dungeon difficult appropriate. Of course this formula is speculative and not exact. It would have to be tested and tweeked to get it just right.

I believe NMD drops cap out around 910-920 at tier 100. I still think NMD loot should start dropping ilvl 925 gear around tier 96 and at tier 100 you should see 915-925 ilvl items only. The reward for doing the hardest content should be the best loot. It isn’t an original idea but it is the correct one.

It was fun for a while but only having the World Boss and Duriel as reliable sources for 925 gear funnel all players into doing it instead of choosing how to obtain that gear. Its like the Nightmare Dungeon glyph problem. You can only power up your glyphs if you do nightmare dungeons. No other content lets you do this. Granted having 2 sources of 925 gear are better than 1, having 4-5 sources of 925 gear would be best. Same with glyph leveling. Nightmare dungeons ok now but there needs to be at least 3 different ways to level up your Glyphs. Two other pieces of Endgame content would be best and one of them should definitely not be dungeons of any kind. Maybe an Arena pitting players versus Boss level creatures and Raids would be ideal for glyph leveling.

I don’t want anything remotely soulslike, but everything after that, HELL YES.

left alone from the forum trolls that say “ive an idea to change the game” they thought of it already… so no

I have made a few posts about it. It all boils down to: I want D4 to actually be good. To be fun to play. To progress the genre in new and interesting ways. To make me want to play and replay it. And it has yet to do any of those things.

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What we want is something with vision. Clean. Functional. Rewarding. Distinctive. Replayable. Cohesive. Group enabled. But what we got was a no risk taking devolution from D3 that cant even do stashes right. Its playable. ITs okish. It has so much room to improve.

But most of all we want Pure fun in every aspect of game.

Why do dungeons have no identities?
Why dont we have events with rarities?
Gobs of different types?
Cellars that are rare with extreme monster densities?
Easy grouping for activities
Player housing.
Progression past 100.

I got it all covered if they would just look.

Table of Contents
x1. Improvements, Fixes, QoL = 30 Improvements, Fixes, QoL
x2. Calendar = Calendar System Makes Happy Eyeballs 👁
x3. Companion App = Diablo 4 Mobile Companion App
x4. Paragon Stones = Paragon Stones give spinach muscled arms!
x5. Obol Vendor = Obol Vendor becomes a conglomerate!
x6. Build Safezone = Build your own Safezone and gain bonuses with components!
x7. FLEX = NEW FLEX affix is approved by Arnold Schwarzenegger
x8. Shrines = Expanded Shrine System gives better mojo ⛪
x9. Set Items = Set items get Deckard Cain to stay awhile and listen
x10. Treasure Gremlin = Treasure Gremlins are pregnant with goblins!
x11. Empowerment Levels = Empowerment levels gives players purpose at LV 100!
x12. Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
x13. ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!
x14. Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!
x15. Legendry Glyphs = Legendary Glyphs make pp into PP
x16. New Helltides = This Updated Helltide system has chance for hell to freeze over. 👿
x17. Eternal Game Modes = NEW Eternal Game Modes are a spicy meatball! 🧆
x18. Events = Event Rarity Makes People Borat I am Excite! 💖
x19. Primals = Octimus Primals! 🕗
x20. Crafting = Why did you Make like a Crafting Skill Tree and 🥬 this out!
x21. Reputation Crafters = Reputation Vendors / Crafters are a Hikaru Juicer 🧃
x22. Gems = He went to Jared to get this Gems upgrade! 💎
x23. Upgraded Occultist = Improved Occultist covets your gems and is not Adam Sandler
x24. Nexus = Live long and prosper with Nexus. New content for high level players. 🖖
x25. Sage Vendor = The NEW Sage Vendor turns your duds into thuds! 😱
x26. DPS dummies = We Need some Mmmm Crash Test Dummies 🪆
x27. Blessing Vendor = Bless me Vendor for I want to sin. 🙅‍♂️
x28. Hero Variants = By the Power of Greyskull here are Powerful Hero Variants! 💀
x29. Pets = Get a Pet save your mouse clickies! 🐇
x30. Shoulder Gear Slot = NEW Shoulder Slot = 😍
x31. Earring Gear Slot = New 👂 ring Slot = Hear me Roar with approval
x32. Affinity = 3 NEW Affinity Types give players more choices in powering up. 🤔
x33. NEW Gear Affixes = 20 NEW Affixes. PLEASE comment even if you no like. 🤔 - #23 by Urza-1177
x34. NEW Goblins = Goblins Two.oh! 👺

Mount Racing = Mount Racing. Get your hoof on! 🏇
Unique Enchanting = IDEA - Unique Enchanting! 🦄
Region Economic Buffs = IDEA - Region Economic Buffs. 🦾
Top 20 Helltide Improvements = TOP 20 Helltide Improvements 🎩

Chance for great stuff for happen are feel gud moments. This is what you want.


Exactly this, people want Diablo and not a Dollar-store Lost Ark rip off.