What do you want D4 to be?

Lots of complaining on this board, but not a lot of suggestions. So what do you THINK D4 should be?

I think it should be D4. Not D2 or 3 or 5. Certainly not Path of Poop.


It should be a hack and slash, killing hordes of monsters. That’s the only refined part of the game, the only thing it excels at and the very reason anyone is playing it.

I want to roam the map, meet a guy and we kill some monsters. Eventually we reach an outpost, an inn, a town or a city and we sell off our stuff there. Then, perhaps, we part ways.
I want to roam! The map is the asset they have, not overgrown maggots. Find opportunities and adventure.

You guys ever go into a dark cellar you find? Ever visit an abandoned fortress in the woods? You did, and so did I, but not now, because there’s nothing down there and all it accomplishes is a loading screen. Besides, those places are not part of the “event” so they’re all a waste.
Did anything random ever happen? No, it didn’t. You look at the map and there you find timed events that you go to in order to progress the game. When you’ve accrued enough resources you go spend those trying to score. That’s the most tedious and boring part of the game, and one that must be done in order to progress.
Where’s the intuitive gaming, where’s the freedom! Where’s the adventure and opportunity? Why can’t I find a mysterious orb, triggering a chain of events that pull people in from all corners of the world to defeat the evil arisen!
Where’s the creativity?
This game is about killing many monsters. It’s not about Duriel or Lilith, or Diablo. Those are secondary to killing monsters. The developers forgot that, and the community too. This is not about acquiring fine gear either, that’s a meta. Core, this is about killing hordes of monsters and that was always it. Diablo 1 is the only game in the series where you do that to perfection. Diablo is just a big monster there, nothing special. Don’t have to kill Diablo for a good run in D1.

Consider roaming the map to hunt for monsters. That’s what is fun. People confuse that fun with getting items. That’s why people want the boss to be without material requirements to summon it. They think that the loot is what’s fun. The ironic part of that is that with the loot you’re going to roam around, because you’re sure not going to go kill Duriel again now are you. So why not get with that right away instead?


Isnt that exactly what the game is now? Or do you mean more social aspects? That I can get behind.

How is it that? Do you roam the map? No you don’t. You go to helltide, which is some cool roaming I give you that but then that ends and you go to Blood harvest. This could all be categorized as roaming but eventually you will run out of map and have to turn around to go back to the event. Those two themed events grow stale quickly but they’re still the best the game has to offer. After those, you go to the boss, which is the worst part of the game.
No, the game is not at all how I envision roaming and if you’re at least a bit honest instead of contrarian you’ll see that.
But yeah, on the social aspect… we agree there. It’s the weakest part of D4. It’s even weaker than the Duriel bossing. Nothing to do together.

How else does one discover the map without roaming?

There is a lot of threads about endgame and I agree it’s undeveloped right now. I would like an endgame that provides continuous challenge so that playing is challenging and renewed, similar to when paragon appears at 50. I would not like to see a ladder competition dominated by group play like D3 was, though I agree that a ladder competition of some sort does make sense.

I see you don’t understand what I’m trying to communicate. Let’s not try then. You figure out what I mean by roaming on your own. Like you talk: “Discover the map…” so u did that already, ok. I also did that. Guess we’re out of things to discuss then since you discover the map by roaming.

I wouldn’t mind some “chase” style quests, hit a trigger in X location, travel to Y location, do Z activity, something that would be fun, that said, I found covetous Shen to be a fun character, some story driven questlines for the characters themselves would be nice I guess :man_shrugging:t2: all our characters get is a “do this to unlock your stuff”……. Druid gets the short end of the stick- do this stronghold or you don’t get your stuff :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Yea sure, now we’re getting somewhere. Accomplish X, travel to Y and do Z… intrigued.
Could this be a map feature? Could I find this mission on the map, mayhap?

Not a D3 or D2 clone. A real game with trading and and endgame and an economy. No Im not a whiney Karen so I dont care about RMT or other players, just myself.

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Coincidentally, I also care about myself. And my experience of this is red and green tint into turd boss. Not the adventure I’m looking for, despite the combat being fairly solid imo.

I want D4 to be hello kitty island adventure :stuck_out_tongue:

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D3 with better graphics and improved combat engine. We have the combat, just need to lift and shift the other systems.

More challenging, tactical combat.
Think Souls game in A-RPG isometric form. Enemies and their actions during combat should matter. Your responses to those actions should matter. Not keyboard facerolling.

Better systems design. Such as Last Epoch or Grim Dawn.
Like a skill tree/web for each skill, not the silly Skill Twig the game currently got.
Rares that are competitive with Legendaries and uniques, rather than just crafting materials.
Move most of the skill specific effects from gear to skill tree.
Disable trading, it makes the game silly and easy.
Make all endgame offer comparable difficulty and rewards. Not funneling people into doing one thing. Also, make campaign replays, and the general overworld, into viable endgame activities.
Balancing, seriously. Use that nerf hammer.

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True, that’s what I want also but u and me can forget about that one.
I also agree with everything else.

I think it should be fun to play.

More like Diablo 2 and POE.

Less like a cheap American Lost Ark rip off with no endgame.


More like D1 because it was scary.

It was scary because if you died, you lost all of your gear unless you could recover it, while the mobs that killed you were standing guard over it.

This led to a need to have friends or backup gear. There was no stash, but you could drop your back up gear in town, which anyone in the game could pick up. So you had to have friends you trusted.

This obviously won’t work in D4 as it is now. Which is quasi-MMO, except we can’t talk to people we meet in game other than using emotes which makes you sound idiotic.

Fortunately, I started with about 8 or so other players who could use out of game methods to communicate. There are about 5 players left, none of whom is currently playing, but likely would if there was something interesting to do.

The announced Abattoir of Zir to be released on Dec 5 has gotten me interested in getting to level 100 after the Thanksgiving famdamily events are over with tomorrow.