WrA Information & Directories

Dropping this here - I made a list of active WrA-based guilds and their forum posts from August, 2024 until November, 2024 and I thought I’d copy it into the thread:

=====Guilds listed as RP or RP/other=====

Bladewind Legion [H RP-PvP] Bladewind Legion (Horde Centric) {H-RP-PvP} is recruiting!

Quickfuse Cartel [H Goblin RP & WPvP] [H] Quickfuse Cartel - Goblin Guild RP/WPVP

Sunfury Battalion [H Sin’dorei RP & PvP] [H-RP-WPvP] Sunfury Battalion is Recruiting!

The Hand of Tirisfal [H Forsaken RP/PvP/PvE] [H-RP] <The Hand of Tirisfal> Forsaken/Undead RP/PVP/PVE Guild

Bloodtotem Exiles [H Highmountains RP-PvP/PvE] [H-RP-PVP/M+/Delves] <Bloodtotem Exiles>

The Highguard [A/H RP & PvE] [Cross-Realm] <The Highguard> is recruiting!

Shado pan Vanguard [N Pandaren RP] [N-RP] The Shado-pan Vanguard [Pandaren Guild]

Shadowtusk Clan [H Troll RP] [H-RP] <The Shadowtusk Clan> Troll Roleplay Guild

Convocation of Darkness [H Forsaken RP] [H-RP Cross-Realm] <Convocation of Darkness> Forsaken & Undead RP (recruiting for The War Within!)

Silver Circle [A Night Elf RP] Silver Circle | Night Elf Roleplay

Half Moon Gambit [A/H RP] <Half Moon Gambit> Now Cross-Faction, Cross-Server, Cross Everything! <A/H/N>

Redwood Tribes [H Tauren RP] [H/A Crossrealm RP Recruitment] Redwood Tribes Back in Business on WrA

East Azeroth Trading Co. [H/A RP] [H/A/NA-RP] East Azeroth Trading Co - Hiring All!

Duskwatch Saberguard [H Nightborne RP] [H/A] <Duskwatch Saberguard> RP guild - Unity through Order!

The Duskwatch [H Nightborne/Blood Elf RP/PvP/PvE/WPvP] H-RP <The Duskwatch> Returning Nightborne/Blood Elf Only Rp/PvP/PvE/WPvP Guild recruiting once more!

Thalassian Conclave [H Elves/Elf Sympathizer RP] [H-RP] The Thalassian Conclave Roleplay Guild

Blood Crows [H WPvP/PvP/Light RP] [H-WPvP-LightRP] Blood Crows Recruiting the Bloodthirsty

The Wolfmane Tribe [H Tauren RP] [H/N-Rp] The Wolfmane Tribe Recruitment Open

Southfury Watch [H-RP] [H-RP] Southfury Watch

The Thunderhoof Clan [H Tauren RP/PvP] [H] [RP/PvP] The Thunderhoof Clan - All Tauren Guild - Recruiting

Tirisfal Theater Troupe [H/A Theater RP] [H/A - RP] The Tirisfal Theatre Troupe - Performing on September 7th!

Sea Wolves [N RP] <Sea Wolves> Neutral RP Guild

Time Lost Caravan [H/A RP] < H/A Cross-realm RP> Time Lost Caravan is Recruiting

The Pandaren Empire [N Pandaren RP] [N-RP] The Pandaren Empire is Recruiting!

Hand of Algalon [RP/PvE/PvP] <Hand of Algalon> Gather your Banners!

Blackstone Mercenaries [H RP] <The Blackstone Mercenaries> (RP Guild/Horde) Now Recruiting!

Court of Eternity [N RP Elves] [N - XRealm] Court of Eternity (Elf-Based World/Social RP Guild) is Recruiting!

=====Guilds Listing PVE/PvP but not RP=====

Achievement [H/A] [H/A] <Achievement> recruiting!

Commune [H LGBTQ+] [H] <Commune> Leftist, LGBTQ+ guild is recruiting for raiding (Normal and Heroic), M+, events, and more!

Synchronicity [H/A Older Players] [H]&[A] <Synchronicity> Recruiting Older Players

Whisper [H/A] [H/A] <Whisper> (8/8H) is recruiting DPS for AOTC raiding! (LGBTQ+ friendly)

Mythica [Casual PvE] <Mythica> [Cross-server/faction] casual/real-life/LGBTQ+/parent friendly guild LF more for casual gameplay!

Sea Ewe Next Tuesday [PvE] <Sea Ewe Next Tuesday> Is Recruiting Raiders for heroic progression!

Wayward Soul Company [H/A PvE] [H/A] <Wayward Soul Company> Looking for New Members to Join our Community! - #36 by Sophus-wyrmrest-accord

In Good Company [H/A PvE] [H/A] <In Good Company> Recruiting New Friends