Legacy enUS RoC and TFT 1.27 client download links
- https://us.battle.net/download/getLegacy?product=WAR3&locale=enUS&os=WIN (RoC)
- https://us.battle.net/download/getLegacy?product=W3XP&locale=enUS&os=WIN (TFT)
- https://us.battle.net/download/getLegacy?product=WAR3&locale=enUS&os=MAC (RoC)
- https://us.battle.net/download/getLegacy?product=W3XP&locale=enUS&os=MAC (TFT)
PTR Client 1.31
Installing from CD-Rom:
Blizzard FTP up to 1.26a
PC Gaming Community 1.27b + any ROC Patches.
Mac OS
Firewall Rule : Blocking the Nagging Patch Screen.
Create a windows firewall Rule and pick your region to restrict access to the Patching.
China / Patch cn.patch.battle.net:1119
Europe / Patch eu.patch.battle.net:1119
Korea / Patch kr.patch.battle.net:1119
U.S. / Patch us.patch.battle.net:1119
Patches 1.28 ++ were not standalone install’s you would need a backup copy of the Warcraft III patched client.
Enjoy , Mods for the love of (Insert whatever you believe in here) Please sticky.
Note for Other Countries***
You can get your countries installer by changing the enUS to your country.
Country Codes
csCZ Czech (Czech Republic)
Note: The Czech translation was done by Cenega Czech , the version was so old and was not ever updated. " It may not be downloadable."
deDE German (Germany)
enUS English (United States)
esES Spanish (Spain)
frFR French (France)
itIT Italian (Italy)
jaJA Japanese
koKR Korean (Korea)
plPL Polish (Poland)
ruRU Russian (Russia)
zhZN Chinese (S)
zhTW Chinese (T)
Example : https://us.battle.net/download/getLegacy?product=WAR3&locale=frFR&os=WIN
Will Download the French Client in French Language.
Hope this is useful.