Warcraft 3 reforged not working

I played it when it first came out, I tried again last week and the graphics are horrible and it lags, I have the same system as when I bought it, I have added a few games/expansions since them could this have done it tried contacting blizz no results that can help all the other games I have the disk so reinstalling. is not a problem all I’m asking is to have them show me how to redownload I paid 42$ for a game I have no control over NOT YELLING JUST SEPERATING, IN ADDITION I AM NOT COMPUTER SAVVY AT ALL I HAVE WINDOWS 10 ON A GAMIMNG COMPUTER THERE IS NO WINDOWS KEY ON MY BOARD , THE GAMES AND EXPANSIONS ALL CAME FROM BLIZZARD AND THEY WORK FINE CAN SOMEONE PLESE TELL ME HOW TO REINSTALL i HAVE THE DISK FOR ALL THE OTHER VIRSIONS AND IT EASE UNINSTALL REINSTALL THERE IS NOTHING I CAN FINE TO UNINSTALL REFORGED p;ease re-read this report and help me


It sounds like you may be running into a performance issue I would recommend trying the troubleshooting within our performance troubleshooting article Here.

As for contacting us, I think the breakdown here is that you kept putting in a refund request asking for troubleshooting. If you want help troubleshooting this issue please contact our team Here.

Thank you!

This is funnier than it has any right to be lol.

Please re read origional post and help me

Howdy alex,

To clarify, you can reinstall the WC3 Reforged by using the Blizzard app. You can download the app here.

If you want to try installing the original version of WC3 though, you can try the steps here.

with all due respect, your original post is barely even readable with zero punctuation and random all caps.

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