Well, my only concern about this is if Rein should also be weak in close range, because his M1 is a close range attack. Wouldn’t this force him use his barrier way more than participate in battles?
I think Rein has a gigantic pickrate for the overall playerbase (roughly 1/3rd of all Tank picks), and he’d better at close range brawls than Orisa or Sigma, and the whole meta would be tilted to favor close range brawls.
So Rein would probably enjoy a strong pickrate at almost any skill tier.
Possibly being outshined by Dive for Masters and above.
Well, for Sigma and Orisa they’d be having some huge weaknesses at close range. (I.e. 30% more damage on armor from rapidfire/shotguns, weaker fortify, no lasting cc on halt/accretion, no tempHP on grasp).
It’s acknowledging that DoubleBarrier is always going to be the strongest composition at medium/long range, but it could have a big weakness at close range that makes it prohibitive to play.
As for Tanks overall,
I think the Tank class as a whole is unpopular. And they should buff Tanks to the point they are at least as popular as Healers.
Since fixing queue times is more important than almost any other issue in this game.
And also it’s impossible to have 3-4 Tanks on a team with 2-2-2. So there’s no reason to balance to protect against that.
Any amount of players who leave because they’d be unhappy about this sort of change is tiny compared to those that will leave because of bad queue times.
Especially those who will return because of OW2, but then leave because of bad queue times.
Well I am kinda taking the whole Tank balance and shaking it around like a snow globe. So really don’t know exactly where things would land balance-wise.
Mostly the idea I was going for was making it so that Tanks that aren’t AnchorTanks are better at Peel, and CloseRange brawls.
That said, Rein/Zarya is getting indirectly nerfed by making Rein more vulnerable to shotguns/rapidfire, and also removing the possibility of Reaper/Mei with 2Tanks.
that is a very good point, i would be happy with either changes, a decent anti nade can make your life difficult as hog and usually can easily end your life
That’s why my concern was about making Rein hold barrier more often while turning around to not be shot at, instead of participating on the fight, unless you give him more armor to balance it out a bit, idk.