Experimental Patch only reinforces Double Shield

I think this would be easier to solve than the snipers. Off tanks like D.Va and Zarya can benefit fairly heavily from spam heroes (especially Zarya) in return for greater damage. Junkrat players usually do swap when put against Zarya, as she’s able to exploit the lack of aim needed to play him.

As for the spam tanks? I think they did that with Orisa when they nerfed her damage from 10 per shot to 9. It’s a small change, but it does slow down barrier breakage for her. Sigma too (120 to 110 I believe. Or it’s the rock damage that was nerfed, one or the other)

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Can we all just talk about how Gengu got nerfed in 6 weeks because he could destroy someone in 1.5 seconds but McCree’s ridiculous fire rate equal to that of a machine gun has been left untouched for like, what? A year? Love being two tapped before I even know where I’m being shot from.

Im starting to think either one of these may end up being the only solution to double shield.

Much Better This, but se have only One problem: too much less Tanks in the roster. Se need a more variety for having more players to play This role. (Same the main/off support.

And why not: make again the differenze between defensor and attacker characters in dps role. More opportunities for Who Is more “niche” in the game.

actually, I would argue that they do the opposite. keep the self knockback and damage, but remove the enemy knockback.

she still needs coach gun to reach high grounds as a sniper. this way its used as a tool to control her own space, and not affrct the space of enemy trying to contest her

I figure, either they go hard on these types of changes on Experimental. And make Tanks more independent.
[✅] Tanks, more FPS and less MOBA? Ok

Or they go the other direction and make barriers stronger, but make AnchorTanks weaker at close range, but 20% faster projectiles.
[✅] Abbreviated Tank Changes

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I’ve been saying Orisa should be a bunker tank for months now. We can actually buff her shield but hard nerf fortify and Halt, Orisa becomes a great defensive shield tank for certain maps but sucks once enemies get closer or manage to dive.

Sigma is more complicated matter though. Even with Experimental I think that’s a chance he’ll be meta.

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Well, that didnt age well


Call me when and if Orisa’s shield is buffed. Wanna pick what I say apart at least be subtle about it.

A sniper that lets herself get dove or flanked SHOULD be at a huge disadvantage

I mean that’s the argument they always use about how supports should be helpless right?

Rework grapple and delete SMG

To be fair, who really predicted Hogwatch?

even if you force 1 main and 1 off, you could still run Orisa/rein and sigma and even ball hog

and no - we should not make sigma a main tank nor ball an off tank

the best thing to do is to rebuff Orisa sigma, buff all the offtanks to sigmas level, revert hogs recent buffs but buff with the gas cloud

I basically did in so many responses.

People said tanks would effectively be useless and nobody would queue tank anymore if the changes went through.

My explanations on how nerfing one aspect of a class can actually improve pick rates on other heroes of the same class instead of making the entire class useless fell mostly on deaf ears.


i predicted dive…which is obviously not hogwatch :stuck_out_tongue:

123 was a failure because it’s miserable for healers just as why the hog+offtank meta is miserable for heals as well.

123 would work better if they bring the off tank to dps spot, but that will just kill the integrity of of the game (not that there are much left.)

It was also pretty bad for tanks. You could not take front position without risking getting shot in the back of the head. The only people that liked that mode was DPS.

As for what can be done regarding double shield, I think the answer is simple. Replace Sigma’s barrier with another ability. Also, NERF snipers. I always found it strange how Hanzo and Widow, especially Widow, do not have falloff damage or how Widow doesn’t have 150 health to offset her abilities.

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strong text[quote=“Homosapein-1300, post:27, topic:536605, full:true”]
To be fair, who really predicted Hogwatch?

Blizz balancing can do anything

2 weeks later, I told yall.

Barriers aren’t the issue, stop thinking like that, double shield is just the newest iteration of the meta that’s been going on for the past two years, survive for as long as you can. Heroes who have healing as their primary utility (the heroes added post launch) are the catalysts to this and are the reason this playstyle is played, not the shields

Let’s have a look at what’s played shall we.

Widow, Ashe, Hanzo, McCree. All countered by shields.
Hog/Zarya, off tanks better at attacking squishy targets than barriers (this is .7 damage hog, not the new one).

What the old meta stopped was double sniper. Sigma especially. They made sure that snipers struggled to get any value by protecting key targets from their line of fire. People played double shield to such a high degree because they knew it stopped Widow from getting value. It also allowed for other anti-shield chars to be played, IE Junkrat, Genji, Tracer, Doomfist etc.

Now that shields are dead, it’s the same 6-8 heroes across most ranks (Widow’s swapped out for McCree + Rein appears in Diamond and below).

It, absolutely was barriers that were the catalyst.