Proposed Zarya nerfs

Or Orisa. Basically you want to nerf someone who is not meta because of the possibility that they could become meta. You do realize all that will do is cause Sigma to STAY meta.

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What are you talking about? theres only one good anchor tank in any rank which in rein?

It’s 2 nerfs and a buff what are you talking about

no I want to nerf a hero who has already started to make a comeback.

Arguable. But even then.
Maybe there should be more than one good AnchorTank at SingleBarrier for “any rank”. :slight_smile:

[✅] Abbreviated Tank Changes

If sig was a good anchor tank, he wouldn’t need orisa.
If orisa was a good anchor tank, she wouldn’t need sig.
I won’t even get into how trash winston is without D.Va. The ONLY good anchor tank in this game is Rein.

Also I don’t know the point of your thread, unless you want solo-shield only games which I’m fine with.

Zarya is one of the most balanced heroes in the game. She doesn’t need any nerfs.


Favoring SingleBarrier over DoubleBarrier is one of the points.

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Well so was Brig 1.0 (since we’re lying)

The only one lying in this thread is you. To yourself.

Zarya doesn’t need nerfing.

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The tanks are in an extremely sorry state. The problem with the tanks are that there 3 tanks who can play with all other tanks while Roadhog, zarya and Dva cannot really play with each other.

I’d only support changes to zarya ONLY if the rest of the tank line up was brought up to be the state at which winston and sigma are. Winston is clearly the best balanced tank in this game while Sigma is the most versatile tank in this game as he can function as both a main tank or an off tank.

When the tanking lineup gets to that level (somewhere between Sigma and Winston), sure we can revisit this conversation, until then… Leave zarya alone.

Sig is the only good tank (who will be nerfed soon) and winston is trash he’s only good with a dva following him around like a dog doing all the damage for him while mitigating all the damage coming at him.

Sure lol when rein/zarya rises again, after sig and orisa get dumpstered, for another damn year and the forums start whining about “nerf rein zarya we’re tired of seeing it every game” look back on this thread.

Winston is not garbage. He’s overshadowed by other imperfections in the game but you can’t deny he is the most balanced tank in this game.

Have you ever watched a dive match? D.Va sits behind him, eats damage coming at him while doing double the damage he does. HE is a bad tank, D.Va does all the work for him. His damage is trash and so is his kit. The only reason he’s ever been a meta her is because of D.Va (which if she never got buffed Winston would still be the throw pick he was season 3).

Zarya is literally weak Sigma. No nerfs required.

Winston is a tank you could argue has made a comeback (albeit one that will not survive). Zarya is right now decidedly in that 4th-6th range of tanks. Why not also nerf Roadhog after because after nerfing all the tanks above him he might be meta to?

Not really… Right now Winston, Ball is a better dive composition than Winston Dva. Winston still gets alot of value.

If winston is trash to you, i wanna know what you think is balanced.

sorry ive stopped reading this thread. Long story short, zarya OP, nerf her before she becomes the prevalent DPS monster she’s always been, rein/zarya is as annoying as double barrier im tired of rein being the only good shield tank in this game for whatever reason he’s allowed a pass.

don’t forget winston / zarya

Wait why? People say Orisa/Sigma is a problem, but now going back to Zarya

Why are people attacking tanks ;_; they’re already miserable enough to play as they are. They dont need anymore nerfs…

They’re not DPS but they do the damage as if they were. She has a range longer than the DPS equivalent of herself, while doing almost the same amount of damage. Zarya is overpowered, has been since she was buffed years ago but no one says anything because how easy it is to play Rein/Zarya.

Thats more so a Symmetra issue than a Zarya one though. Sym in general needs help, and that means not undercutting heroes with similar kits to her

Thats because she took like, 5 hits to her kit. Her right click doesn’t change with charge anymore, lowering her overall AoE damage. Same went for her left click as well, along with a flat damage nerf and width nerf (Overall nerf, even after the beam “fix”)

Shes strong, but she isn’t OP by any definition