Sigma is the old brig of the tank world

Tbf, I find him easy to get value out of when I play with a friend who is gold, but in higher ranks, sure, he can get value without Orisa or Rein (up until master) but he has to hit every shot, which even his accretion, is notoriously difficult to get actual value out of now that itā€™s no longer a skillshot combo that kills, and that weā€™re currently in a genji meta where his win condition is landing accretion on a hyper mobile hero and hoping his team also shoots at them, or using his ult on top of that (which said hyper mobile hero can oh so easily just run out of thanks to their base speed)

honestly that is more than fair, i am silverish/goldish/ used to be platā€¦ish :stuck_out_tongue: so maybe its different in diamond and beyond i agree that hitting a genji is never an easy thing to do

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If you look at how hard the numbers on Sigma have been nerfed and heā€™s still meta itā€™s a little crazy. Iā€™d say release Sigma was not far off from release Brig, people just donā€™t notice tanks as much.

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i can agree with this, i do think sigma is not nearly as oppressive as brig was tbh, i just want hog decent tbh so i would prefer a buff to hog than a nerf to sigma

D.Va has a much bigger hitbox of eating ultimate abilites. The shields literally do not matter, It doesnā€™t help him much.

Thatā€™s just a roadhog problem. My boi needs some lovinā€™.

It isnā€™t a great shield. It is most used for reactionary scenarios. Leaving it out as long as Orisaā€™s for example, wonā€™t be really that beneficial because of his recharge rate imo.

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I mean, itā€™s the fact that they keep nerfing the wrong things. Sigma at release was strong but he wasnā€™t all that bad to deal with if he was run by himself. Great on attack, bad at defense if you werenā€™t playing in a very skillful manner. Deathball and dive comps kinda crushed him. Itā€™s his synergy with Orisa (and subsequently Rein) that is the difficult part about him. His barrier and uptime made cycling through defenses trivial with him when he first came out. That got nerfed into the ground, but then Sigma and Orisa both got their defensive abilities buffed to compensate, which meant and meant that you can cycle their shields and fortify/grasp to make up for that glaring weakness in defense.

With all the nerfs heā€™s received itā€™s at the point where he canā€™t really main tank by himself at this point, which means now heā€™s stuck doing offtank duties with another main tank. But giving him a barrier makes him a better pick than the other off-tanks.

Personally Iā€™d rather they let him keep the barrier and remove/replace or tweak grasp and rock so that he can stand on his own two feet as a main tank without having to rely on a second barrier to enforce his threat.

So then what reason would you pick him over Rein? Just a different type of barrier?

My point went COMPLETELY over your head.

What your point is saying is that Sigma is too powerful. If that isnā€™t what you are saying, then clearly you donā€™t know what youā€™re on about.

This whole meta thing is due to the effective healing, not shields or orisa alone or even sigma alone. A lot of people have it wrong.

i do wonder if orisa didnt exist how much use sigma would get tbh

Like this? :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve seen literally every tank played regularly except D.Va.

just gonna say this, numbers donā€™t really tell the whole story.

I think Sigma would need a new primary attack altogether, the current slow double shot isnā€™t reliable enough to warrant no self defense

Either that, or dive comps become relevant again and sort out this double barrier nonsense naturally. Hammond Winston would be good against Rein Sigma, and Winston would be good against Orisa Sigma.

I mean, I did put in the the projectile speed would go up by 20%.

By slow, I meant the time between shots. Itā€™s a very slow method of attack for Sigma made all the less reliable by the fact that the damage is split in two halves.

If Sigma had one hypersphere that did all the damage rather than two that each do half the damage, then we could warrant his self defense taking a hit.

As it stands, Sigma would be way too squishy and not threatening enough without his stun and bonus health.

Thatā€™s kinda the point though.

Strong at midrange with a highly flexible, self repairing barrier, a knockback, and a matrix-like ability. Not to mention ranged offtank tier damage that never needs to reload.

But if you can get past all that, he should be kinda squishy unless his team can Peel for him.

DoubleBarrier should be SOL sometimes because they are paying the ā€œshould have had an offtankā€ tax.

Or alternatively a strong healer pocket, or baptiste frisbee, or brig. Or just some raw firepower from the team. Or a Lucio boop + speed boost.

That said, if the Peel isnā€™t enough I could totally see them buffing the Peel on offtanks.

In the larger concept I took off a second or two on offtank peel abilities. And beefed up the armor on them. But I could also see longer duration on Zarya bubbles or Matrix.

But there should be a ā€œproblemā€ for not having a second Tank that isnā€™t an AnchorTank.

I dunno, I think balancing double barrier these ways is all to complicated and finicky

I see you say double barrier should be weak at close range, and it is. The problem for double barrier isnā€™t that it lacks weaknesses, rather the problem is the counter to it lacks strengths.

Dive comps are the natural counter to those that prefer to keep you separated from them. Just look at how Genji was performing even despite double barrier.

On paper, Genji should be the worst dive character to play into that sort of comp, so the fact that he was doing so well with the buffs and without a team comp focused on his strengths is proof that dive would do well against this meta I think.

Thatā€™s also what Blizzard has been going for with all the changes this year, itā€™s been a pattern. Bumping down Mei, Reaper, Brig, and Ana, bumping up Mercy, Zenyatta,, and Genji. Once we get to a point where functions well enough and Winston isnā€™t brought down quite as much, double barrier will meet its match.

Thatā€™s how I see it anywho. The off tanks deal with dive comps well enough, Roadhog especially. If it comes back into relevance, using Sigma wonā€™t be as ubiquitous while picking up an off tank will be more palatable.

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No, he enabled double-shield in the first place. Itā€™s definitely HIS meta.

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well yes that is true i was more talking about with brig every single character that was selected was because of brig while with double shield its mostly just the tank line up that is surrounding sigma, you can get away with using different dps and supports while with brig there wasnt as much variation because every character selected was selected to fit with brig

that is how i at least remember it but i could be wrong about this

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