Double shield is boring for most heroes. So how do we fix?

For most heroes who cant easily get behind the enemy backline… double shield is very boring…

You unload a full clip into their shield… it finally breaks… but they just drop another shield… BORINGGGGGGG BORINGGGGGGG LAMEEEEE STUPIDDDDDD

luckily i play reaper and i can just teleport around/behind and shoot some people in the back… but most heroes cant do that… so i can see shooting shields all game being super boring.

So what do we do?

  • Nerf shields?
  • Buff tank HP?
  • Buff tank dmg?
  • Give tanks a small amount of passive dmg reduction?

or do we keep double shield in the game forever?

what do u guys think?

Dissuade the synergy between the shield tanks.

Make Orisa a bunker tank, not a brawler and half the double shield comps are gone overnight. The other half are gone with Sigma nerfs, he simply does too much.

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just kill sigma at this point with him there will always be double shield, here’s the thing he is actually killable , there is not a huge fan base to him at most a thousand, he has a extremely overloaded kit.

Without him the only double shield will be orissa rein which i dont think is sustainable.

Like i generally dont like delete hero threads, but this is actually possible and would be one of the most healthiest things the game can have for balance.

orissa is probably less popular than sigma, but rein sigma synergy is high so it has to be sigma.

As long as he is alive some form of double barrier will be there, or take away his whole Shield barrier.

Or just realize it’s just another Strat and find ways around it with your team ( like your reaper analogy ).
For me break shields force out new ones then send in exploding MEKA behind them is quite effective to force the other team out from behind them to allow my team to push forward.

Play two anchor tanks, shields take 30% more damage.

Well, I’ve been looking at Tank design for about the past 9 months, and here’s the best I can come up with.
[✅] Abbreviated Tank Changes

  • Nerf AnchorTank self-defenses at close range
  • Buff AnchorTank projectile speed (I.e. Useless at close range)
  • Buff AnchorTank barriers to Rein tier (I.e. Useless at close range)
  • Buff OffTank teammate protection (useful at close range)
  • Buff OffTank self sustain (useful at close range)
AnchorTank OtherTanks
Strength: Medium/Long Range Close Range
Weakness: Close Range Medium/Long Range
Firepower: Similar Similar
  1. This way, SingleBarrier is preferred over DoubleBarrier.
  2. Tanks are more desirable to play, to fix Queue Times
    • Especially to DPS players who make up the majority of the player population.
  3. DoubleOffTank is less of a “Throw Comp”.