Non-meta tanks inherently are less valuable

DVa, Hog, and Winston having lackluster and powercrept kits. They inherently lack so much utility compared to sigma, Orisa, and Rein.

Zarya, Orisa and Wrecking Ball are better because they can apply pressure with much less downtime compared to the bad tanks. Not to mention their ultimates are powerful, low commitment moves that don’t disrupt their play style.

Balancing Hog, Dva, and Winston to have flow, more utility, and less downtime is the proper way to make their playstyles relevant again.

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Ball doesn’t need a buff at all

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That’s part of it for sure. I think there’s a large disparity in ult value as well.

The downside of having to make heroes more mobile to compete is the crazy value of being able to get back to the objective quickly.

I don’t like the idea of having to swap because you can’t get back in the fight fast enough.