Are tanks and healers terrible now or is it just me?

If you think the only thing tanks do is make space for damage dealers to carry then your fundamental problem is not understanding how tanks carry. But I’m not surprised considering:

You are using off-meta heroes.

It is just you. The strongest role in the game by far is still tanking. Healing is still very strong so yes it is just you.

That seemed like a dumb example ( I meant my example ), but I meant to imply that I like playing them but I can’t, because of the meta. I’ve tried to play orisa more because of the shield meta.

If you’re just trying to say tanks aren’t balanced relatively to each other then of course you’d be correct. Character imbalance exists across the entire game.

If you’re trying to say tank class as a whole is weak, you’d be dead wrong. There’s a reason why GOATS meta exists (and still exists in Open Queue). And it ain’t because DPS is the strongest class.


It’s hard to explain but I’m trying to show that I think tanks should do more, they are weak but they aren’t the worst class, I don’t really think there is a worst class, I think there are classes who impact less then they should though like tanks. I see were your coming from though, good point.

I think they should do something like this:

[✅] Abbreviated Tank Changes

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Definitely! I wish that the development team ( Sorry if I was vague ) See that.

Tanks are split between “Unkillable” and “Useless”. To say tanks as a whole are terrible now is misguided as there’s a hard line between Reinhardt/Zarya/Sigma/Orisa and D.Va/Roadhog/Ball.

The same goes with healers. Ana/Brigitte own the show. Zen/Moira/Mercy are liabilities.


I think the Tank class as a whole is unpopular. And they should buff Tanks to the point they are at least as popular as Healers.

Since fixing queue times is more important than almost any other issue in this game.

And also it’s impossible to have 3-4 Tanks on a team with 2-2-2. So there’s no reason to balance to protect against that.

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Tanks can carry with good teammates.

AnchorTanks are the group of heroes least capable of compensating for bad teammates.

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With the exception of Genji, DPS is a useless role.
Tanks are the carries and Supports make them better. DPS does nothing

Thanks for sharing, I agree that tanks and supports can be used to carry if played correctly. But I respectfully disagree about the useless dps thing, yes genji is in a odd place right now, but the dps roster is more appealing currently than tanks and healers based on my experience. More people will want to
Play dps, rather than healer or tank, so there will be more hard carry dps players than hard carry tanks and healers.

The DPS roster is bigger than the support + tank roster combined. Of course there will be more people wanting to play that roster.

There’s a reason why GOATs is still the meta in open-queue.

Tanks are fine, but I think they’re hard to play. Why? Because they need to focus in 3 things every single combat situation (mitigate damage on their allies, keep the team on objective, keep the enemies away from the objective)

Every tank has some hard counter, but they can pretty much deal with almost any threat almost every time(if your timming skills are great and your knowledge about your opponent it’s great too). Almost every tank can’t go solo(not because they can’t, but because he is too valuable for his team) or have to do that(because it’s better to go as a group instead as solo) Wreckingball, and winston are the ones who have mobility for that, even when they go solo they have to keep these 3 things in mind (mitigate damage on his team, keep their team on the objective, keep the enemy team off the objective).

About healers I think they’re fine too. But they’re not that easy to play. Why? Because they need know the perfect balance between damage output and keep your tanks alive. They’re the real “scale” where the team lacks and they need to “be more proactive” to inform if the DPS aren’t good, swap to another role or support to add more raw damage or more healing throughput, if their tanks aren’t playing well (too suicide or barriers on ghosts).

DPS are de easiest one to play(where most of the players wanna play), but one of the most hard roles to master(where most of the players aren’t good at). Because everyone can cause damage, but know how and when cause that damage it’s what really matters. If any DPS doing great without any skill, your tank and healers aren’t doing a good job, if the game is balanced then everyone is doing their best, and the match will be awesome.

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Yeah, but in addition to that dps aren’t particularly bad right now, like I said, I feel like they are too dominant. So of course the biggest roster along with being very dominant would have more attention and I’m assuming better players, dps aren’t useless, which is what captain Hammond was saying.

Tanks and heals aren’t that bad, barring zen, and hog, but they don’t feel good to playin general. Tank feels like getting perma cced and melted, while support feels like dying on cooldown to the flavour of the month OP dps. Current sustain and damage creep just bodied the two roles enjoyment

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That’s mostly what I mean, they don’t feel as good to play as dps.

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There’s a big difference between someone being fun and appealing and someone being useful. I’m a much better DPS than I am Tank but if I play Tank I can literally shut my brain off and outplay everyone on my team and the enemy team.
I can walk in and do more damage than a DPS hero and have 2.5-3x the amount of HP as them and possibly even have armour.

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because DPS aren’t bad, just hard to master. If more people play them better eventually they will nerf them again. The “high pick rate” it’s a signal of strength, easy to play and hero compatibility. If their pickrate are too high it’s because it’s one/two/three of these. Every hero has his pros and cons, his utility and his counters, but how you use their strengths and their weak points are how you master them.

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