Double shield getting nerfs?!

Ok blizzard said that the next experimental card is going to be focused on orisa, sigma which makes me very excited as double shield is boring to watch and very annoying to play against. What do you guys think the changes are going to be

Double shield nerfs will be the downfall of OW. Damage is high and they even said they may globally increase lethality… Without barriers, all of that damage goes through… This isn’t looking good.


Well, I’ve been looking at Tank design for about the past 9 months, and here’s the best I can come up with.
[✅] Abbreviated Tank Changes

  • Nerf AnchorTank self-defenses at close range
  • Buff AnchorTank projectile speed (I.e. Useless at close range)
  • Buff AnchorTank barriers to Rein tier (I.e. Useless at close range)
  • Buff OffTank teammate protection (useful at close range)
  • Buff OffTank self sustain (useful at close range)
AnchorTank OtherTanks
Strength: Medium/Long Range Close Range
Weakness: Close Range Medium/Long Range
Firepower: Similar Similar
  1. This way, SingleBarrier is preferred over DoubleBarrier.
  2. Tanks are more desirable to play, to fix Queue Times
    • Especially to DPS players who make up the majority of the player population.
  3. DoubleOffTank is less of a “Throw Comp”.

They better not be nerfing Orisa, it’s Rein+Sigma that’s the issue. Unlike Rein and Sig Orisa can no longer solo shield Tank. If anything nerf the other 2 and buff her.

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You think playing against, say, Orisa’s shield is boring?!?!

Try playing Orisa without shield. You might as well be Torb’s turret.

It’s not boring it’s just really annoying breaking her shield and then all of a sudden there’s a sigma shield and then once your done orisa has hers again

its weird though

most pro complain about how OP orisa is

not so much with sigma

This is where I think your argument falls short. The main issue isn’t the main tanks, it’s Sigma for enabling the comp in the first place by having a displaceable shield on command.

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how does double shield nerfs = no barriers?

If they actually nerf barriers again I think I’ll have lost faith in any chance of tanks being balanced again. Orisa barrier is laughably bad right now and nerfing it more would be a joke. Her shield isn’t even why she is good; it’s Fortify/Halt that are broken yet they never seem intent on nerfing them.


They are going to lower all the Tanks defenses and buff their DPS. That’s the short way to put it, less reliance on barriers, etc.

I’m just curious how the Support role will be compensated for less defensive based tanks? :thinking:


Depending upon how they do it I’d certainly not play the game.

Does that mean the likes of Baptiste & Bastion could also be getting nerf or in Bastion’s case some sort of well needed rework

I’m also wondering since double shield are getting nerfs will dive be the new meta?

It’s either Dive or some grounded Speedboost comp probably featuring Mei.

Part of why I keep saying to make Mei a Tank. To prevent that.

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Agreed but I think dive in going to be extremely strong

I think it’s just as likely we’ll get a Mei/Reaper/2Tank comp being the meta

I think it’ll be Winston dva five or zarya/Winston and maybe some ball. But also tracer/genji/ashe

Could end up being Winston/Hammond/Doom/Reaper/Moira/Lucio

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Idc what it is since anything is more fun to watch and to play again than double shield