Isn't Rein/Zarya way too strong?

It feels that this specific tank combo is almost unbeatable in most cases. One is arguably the only shield tank that can actually contest objectives well while the other covers Rein weaknesses and has arguably the best ult in the game.

I see them all the time. Makes Sigma a complete joke because he can barely handle reinhard alone, Orisa’s shield is a joke as well and the other tanks are either dive (which are hit or miss depending on the choice of dps or support) and Roadhog (who is a fat dps that gets countered by zarya bubbles)

So…what should we do about this two?

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Bad news, OP. This isn’t the case in GM or OWL, so you’re going to get dismissed out of hand. Sorry. :pensive:

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Reinhardt is very team reliant, IMHO, therefore he is the one that provides the barrier with the longest uptime.
His barrier is clearly a team composition buff.
You build a team around him and you get value.

The problem of the game has always been survival utility stacking and cooldown rotations to maximize value.

Everybody taking advantage of Rein’s barrier will have potentially 1600 extra HP on top of other utilities that can be provided.

You cover up Rein’s weaknesses and you’re good to try and beat the enemy.

Rein / Sig or Orisa / Sig is still better

rein zarya is really strong in the sense that their gameplan or win condition is very obvious and isn’t that hard to orientate yourself around it.

that’s why a lot of players like it, because it’s not hard to understand.

there are other strong tank combos but they take a bit more understanding to play properly with and around.

it’s the equivalent of saying,
mercy is easy to get base value with, she’s op, what do we do about that.
when there’s really not much wrong with it.


No, it’s just easier to play than any version of double shield. Or dive.

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They’re only strong in low-mid ranks because they’re easy to play & straightforward. In top ranks Sigma/Orisa is much stronger when coordination is better

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I will take Rein/Zar over double barrier any time of the day.

On serious note, I think it does have quite a bit of synergy, but not really super strong or anything. I do really, really hate bubble though

Rein and Zarya where some original tanks. The game was made around having one tank and Rein was basically the first tank the game was made and balanced around. Zarya being an offtank is due to her kit and dependance on charging up her weapon for damage via specific bursts of damage mitigation.

Imo its even stronger than double shield but it somehows gets a free pass for some reason, maybe people find Zarya more skillful or something lol
It’s super cheesy, Rein holds barrier, drops it when Zarya goes in front to get energy charge on bubbles.
I would say nerf Zarya’s dps at high charge or take some hp out of Rein’s shield or add 1 more sec to Zarya’s personal bubble. But idk if any of these solves the problem.


Make it so that Orisa and Sigma are main tanks again. Both capable of being equivalent to Reinhardt with a SingleBarrier team composition.

[✅] Abbreviated Tank Changes

Shoot the shield and eliminate their advantage