Please just make a rule against Double Shield

Just please, please admit defeat and just make a rule that you can’t run those tanks together. Do not attempt to balance it out again, you fail every time. Do not gut Sigma and Orisa again so we have another endless Reinhardt meta. You can’t fix this without a rule. Just put one in so we can have three anchor tanks instead of bumbling about with bad nerfs so we’re stuck playing Reinhardt until the end of time.


or like

make some new tanks

Or just nerf the strong hitscans, then proceed to nerf double shield, and finally, healing.

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One problem with that.

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I know, but restricting tanks more and making it even less fun will make tank queues literally instant.

That is quite possibly the most clunky and unintuitive solution to this problem


Or, they could make Tanks desirable, and fix the problem.

Wouldn’t that be better?

[✅] Abbreviated Tank Changes

you actually expect blizzard to change tanks?


Why wouldn’t I?

bold of you to assume that “most immediate priority” patch is coming next week, and not next year

but seriously, it just seems like all blizzard wants to do is not touch tanks at all, or just gut them

Sigma is the problem and will continue to be the problem. A tank with the kit of an off-tank while having a barrier is a big, bloated no-no.

I’d be genuinely surprised if they didn’t do something in the next 5 weeks.

As for what they will do, who knows.

lets hope they don’t nerf orisa and sigma into oblivion for the 25th time

Ironic how they both get nerfed together and come out of the grave together and more united.

I think they can take their time more leisurely with this one. Than the mad scramble to nerf Orisa/Sigma before OWL season 3 started.

They know they need to get Tanks right to fix queue times, and that it’s critical to fix this before OW2 launches.
Also OWL Season 3 is over in a few days, so they aren’t gonna have pressure from messing with the OWL meta.

As an Orisa main, I’ve been telling Blizzard for a straight year now that 2x shield can’t be solved by nerfing shields. Nerfing shields only makes them weaker outside of double shield and only makes the heroes more unfun to play. The issue lies in the abilities behind the shields.

But what do they do? Nerf shields, because why not! Then guess what, are you ready for this? Double shield is STILL meta. It’s almost like shields were never the reason why that comp is so good, but oh well. We’ll see what they do this time.

Sure, but only after we limit DPS to 1 burst and 1 sustain. Because double shield is used because of the excessive burst in the first place.