The dungeon deserter debuff is outdated and needs adjustment. Currently you can kick someone within a few minutes of the dungeon beginning, and they get the dungeon deserter debuff which prevents them from re-queueing for 30 minutes. This hurts the game for new players, who may have been kicked for something as simple as wanting to backtrack to pick up a missed quest item, do a particular quest at all (I’m looking at you, BRD detention block), or just having low DPS (which by the way, in LFD it’s fine to click buttons, keyboard turn, and just generally be bad at the game - that’s what it’s designed for).
Nearly all dungeon runs in sub 50 dungeon finder take somewhere between 10-30 minutes to complete no matter what happens. It is INSANE to vote kick someone for “wasting time” when the entire length of the run is that short to begin with. This appears to be a mental relic of the past left over from a time where dungeon finder was the fastest way to level, but with the 9.0 changes this is no longer the case - solo questing is fastest (DesMephisto).
It’s time for the vote kick system to be reformed to reduce the amount of kicking going on in general. Players should not be kicked for ANY REASON if players have not been participating for a minimum amount of time, which I determine to be 10 minutes but Blizzard of course can make the determination.
Getting some trolls in here saying that if we don’t allow people to be kicked in the first 30 seconds to 10 minutes then all of their dungeon runs will become “griefed” instantly, but this is an invalid argument because a sub 30 minute time to clear is fine - doesn’t matter what happened in the dungeon. I don’t care if the healer is whacking mobs with a staff or the tank is AFK, people can wait a few minutes before kicking, even if someone goes offline. It’s LFD, if you want better than 30 minute clear times - form your all-star Mythic+ team, that’s what the timed mode is for.
- Disable vote kick in the first 10 minutes of a dungeon (or whatever blizzard wants to set threshold to)
- Dungeon deserter debuff gets applied only if you leave within the first 10 minutes of the dungeon.
- If you get kicked once in 24 hours: no deserter debuff
- subsequent kicks either take you directly to 30m of deserter or second kick: 15m, third kick: 30m, etc… maybe just cap it at second kick and beyond = 30m debuff.
Other threads on the frustration of being kicked for no real valid reason in LFD:
Define AFK?
Not moving? player jumps every now and then
Not contributing throughput? follow and cast 1 spell then do nothing
You joined a group of random people. Its not their fault they don’t like you
AFK means the game considers you AFK. In random dungeon finder groups we should never be able to kick someone for low DPS, random dungeons are already tuned so low it doesn’t matter so let’s not do that. If someone gets bent about the dungeon not going fast enough I’ve got hard news for them: do boost runs with friends or with gold ok - speed is not anyone’s problem in a rando DF group.
This community has garbage people sometimes. The GTG fast mentality is annoying. I can’t even pick up quests sometimes cuz of it. Rip.
You can kick, period???
So like, if someone keeps pulling various packs of mobs, to purposefully wipe the group over and over. not kickable offence.
I could come up with more examples, but the current system is the hardest to abuse.
You may think you were unjustly kicked, but 4 people did not want to play with you. Remember that.
It takes 15 minutes to be flagged as AFK and the “you’ll be DC’d soon” to pop up, (extra fun fact: then another 30 minutes afk at the character select screen to get yeeted out of the game entirely) and dungeons last for less than or close to 15 minutes.
You’re gonna have a hard time bro lol
That sounds a lot worse than the risk of a 30m dungeon deserter.
They teamed up to make it happen since they were friends with similar named characters. Also you have to remember people will tend to hit the kick button if it’s suggestion just because on the internet people are more likely to do mean things due to the anonymity effect.
Blizzard has made comments on this time and time again. The system is not perfect, there isn’t any. I have done a lot of randoms, countless over the years and there are very few times I ever experienced anything like this.
This is the chance you take, if it ever happens to me, I say to myself “oh well” and requeue. No issue, some people really need to grow a thick skin. The system is fine just the way it is. I suggest if it bothers you that much, to go find a guild make some friends or just accept that it happens. (very rarely mind you) And if you are getting kicked from groups regularly, ask yourself or others if you are doing anything to get yourself kicked.
Sounds like a terrible change to the game.
You’d make it impossible to get rid of any griefer holding the group hostage.
Its an easy fix, blizzard is too lazy to change it. Just have it so same server or a group doesn’t get to vote. Anyone kicked gets instant que. Get kicked twice in a row then you get the debuff.
4 people didn’t want to play with you.
Blizzard, this is Kaurmine, I have Awkward of Frostmourne here in Atal’Dazar, if you ever want to see [pronoun] again you’ll create a 8 tab guild bank filled with original level 1 shirts and make me Guild leader of it.
Inappropriate kicking is a far more common issue than griefing. I haven’t seen a dungeon griefer - well ever. If they exist just delete their accounts. If they want back to the game so badly they’ll have to pay the blizzard tax.
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Is there a list of appropiate use of the kick funcion? I have never seen it.
The majority rule, if they didnt want to go out of their way to do the quest then you cant force them. The only thing that matters when vote kicking is if the other 4 players want you there or not.
So I can join a dungeon as DPS instead of tank and not be kicked? Cool OwO
We had a tank today. Kept doing massive pulls and wiping. We wiped about 5 times in the first 3 minutes. We tried kicking, but we were unable to initiate a vote on him. I left the dungeon and got a deserter debuff 
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What is inappropriate kicking?
This is a horrible idea because there still are legitimate trolls that ruin dungeons. You’re gonna have to think harder and find a better idea.
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