You have 3 people in an instance. Person 1 is afk. Person 2 votes to kick person 1 for being afk. The vote fails, but then Person 2 gets kicked out and gets a 30 minute deserter because person 1 and 3 are in the same guild.
People have talked about this bs in island expeditions since bfa launched. Why hasn’t blizz addressed this? Oh yah, cuz it wastes players time and anything that helps their time-played metrics is a good thing. Just disgraceful
I don’t think it tells anyone who initiated the vote to kick.
I get some of the reasons why Blizz does things to keep people logging in, but hoo boy, you’re stretching far enough to make Dhalsim blush with this one.
It doesn’t but in the scenario the OP describes it’s not hard to reason it out.
yah I was being sarcastic
Because there’s nothing to address. Those two people didn’t want you there and didn’t like that a vote to kick was initiated. Pretty simple.
lol you’re probably one of the people that does stuff like that
You were so intently focused on being toxic that you didn’t realize they were guildies and the whole thing backfired.
Working as intended.

I don’t kick people, but way to just assume crap like that and not actually attempt to understand the system itself.
Though if that’s the attitude you bring to groups to quickly judge and insult people, I may make an exception for you.
Specifically, what should Blizzard do to address this?
given that it’s islands, the debuff should be shorter. like have its own internal count. first kick of the day or week is 5 mins and it scales up from there. might be easier to just make your own group for those any how, given you still have to que up to start it. 
how about not giving people a 30 minute deserter because somebody else wants to afk level
This is what I’m assuming happened.
if saying nothing in the chat is toxic then guilty as charged
Then this raises a question.
If you didn’t interact with them, how do you know they were in the same guild? If you saw it during the Island, why did you try to get a dude to kick his own guildy? If you found out after, how did you find out after being kicked out of the instance without an interaction?
I voted to kick, the vote failed. I hovered over their names on the UI and saw they were in the same guild, 3 seconds later im kicked. Pretty simple
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So your problem should be addressed by kicking someone and giving them a debuff, but their problem with you shouldn’t be? That’s not how things work.
The system doesn’t differentiate between who has what specific issue. The group doesn’t want you there, the group kicks you. The debuff is a necessity given all of the problems that used to exist with random queue groups. It’s not going anywhere.
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Were you losing the Island? What was the impetus to kick? How long was the dude AFK? How certain are you that dude was AFK?
if they’re afk do they not deserve to be kicked? Or are you fine with people afk leveling in instances
Sounds like the person wasn’t AFK.