Being punished as deserting for being kicked

Lately, I’ve been getting punished for deserting when I’ve been kicked for whatever reasons.

The last straw was when I was kicked for standing around with other players who stopped playing. I was the first to be kicked for it and I’m getting tired of of being punished for trying to do my best and got tired of people quitting so soon.

Lately, a lot of Alliance players have been quitting pvp battles in the beginning. And then I get punished when I finally stopped trying because people give up.

Blizzard needs to address this issue.

So your mad that you got kicked…when you stopped playing? Next time maybe dont afk.

edit: Those win rates, yikes.

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You deserved it.

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So, you had also stopped playing when you were reported AFK?

You misunderstand. I stopped to watch the players. How they were playing and not working together. I was not afk. So stop assuming. Please

So you were kicked for… basically being AFK? Sounds like it’s working as intended.


No I was not AFK. I was watching how the team was playing. And this has been going on for the last 3 or 4 days.

“Kicked for standing around” is all we need to know.


Maybe the other players you were standing around with were also watching how the team was playing.


I have played a lot of BG’s compared to you heck I may have even merced as many as you have played and I have never ever been kicked .

Don’t go afk


Who said anything about rated?

For the past week I’ve seen more people leave EVERY pvp battle. From 1 to 4 people would just quit. These are alliance players doing this.

Generally speaking, players who have been kicked deserve the deserter debuff.

This isn’t always true but blizzard tech isn’t about to start evaluating the reasons for a kick and determining who does and doesn’t deserve the penalty.

Most players here have never been kicked.

Look in the mirror for the problem.


All the way at the bottom, click on “view more pvp stats”

Thank you :slight_smile:

Don’t worry OP, nobody here is going to show you pity. If you go for snowfall, you will be kicked with no warning. If you call out AFKers, you will be kicked. Just don’t even talk in BG chat so it makes you less of a target. This was happening to me 11 months ago before I quit retail and was told by the forums that I also deserved to be punished. I opened a few tickets and the GMs tried to tell me there is no kick function in BGS.

Maybe you stop doing things to the detriment of your team and you won’t get kicked ?

Capping snowfall at the wrong point is a self inflicted disaster which can split your team on the map.

I’ve played in many Alliance bgs, never once been vote-kicked out for being AFK. This is despite making the occasional “alliance sucks” style comment during losses (to pass the time) :joy:

Maybe you had some enemies on the team or something? Someone had a grudge against you? That’s my best guess OP, because so far I’ve never ever ever been AFK kicked from an Alliance bg :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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At least other people on your team were actually trying something which is more than what you were doing. I don’t think it’s unfair to assume you’re AFK if you literally stand around doing nothing.