Vote kick system abuse

So I was in a random BFA dungeon just now on my lvl 110 ret pally.
We where making our way to the first boss and someone in the group pulled the boss while we where still killing the trash mobs before it.
Someone in the group thought I did it when I was nowhere near the boss and they vote kicked me and the rest agreed to the kick.

People are just guessing when they set the vote and the rest of the group is just blindly clicking the yes button without knowing what happened.

There needs to be some way to put a stop to this type of abuse as it makes good players sit with a 30 min kick timer.

This is an ongoing issue, especially these days.

I even notice it in other games, like the Red Dead Redemption 2 online beta I was playing. In that, I was doing the Horse Race Series. I did the first race in the series, everything was fine and I was not even that great (came in fourth.) So there was no real reason to kick me. I was in the next race with the 3 people who came in 1-3rd, as soon as I saw “ready” I hit the button. Then it was sitting at “unready”, so I had certainly hit “ready.” Then some other people are joining, then I see “You have been voted to be kicked 1/3” (or something like that.)

Then I’m kicked, nearly instantly.

I submitted my take on this to Rockstar, relating how it is the same as my experience in World of Warcraft:

One person can basically “grief” just by suggesting to vote kick you, even for no reason, and then human nature is basically to agree.

I myself have never agreed to a kick in World of Warcraft, unless the person really was exhibiting behavior they should be kicked for (yelling, screaming at everyone, wanting all loot, being afk forever, etc. )

Blizzard policy is that anyone can be kicked at any time, for any reason. Is it stupid? Yes. Is it abuse? No.

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Here’s the thing though, the concept of abusing something comes from someone “abusing” policies and rules. That means if people are using the vote kick feature recklessly, or for no reason, then even if what they are doing is “technically” allowed, then it’s abuse of a system they’re being granted the privilege of having. So yes, it’s a form of abuse.

That blows, I’m sorry OP. I always look before I hit the vote for removal, often times it’s something silly or petty (the person is just a moment afk) and I’m like “nope, this person didn’t say anything bad, why would you want them gone?”

May your next dungeon experience be better. Reserve the kicks for those who deserve it :+1: